The Funeral

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'I'm so sorry about Mr Ahmad, darling.' Ronit said softly, her voice clear, crisp and comforting through the phone that evening. Daniel and I were sitting in the living room together, I was on the sofa and he was on the floor, slamming his toys together and driving them around the coffee table.

'It's okay.' I said. 'It's been a strange day.'

'I bet. Do you know when the funeral is?'

'No, I think we'll... find out this week.' I stroked Daniel's head.

'Will you go?'

'I think so, yes.' She was quiet, I think she was waiting for me to speak. 'Has your day been better than mine?' I asked, trying to veer away from the subject of death, which unsettled me greatly.

'I've been meeting with the board all afternoon. I didn't realise Holly was sending me all the way to Italy to be a dog's body.'

'I'm sure you're more important than that.'

She sneered. 'I doubt it. And they've introduced a stupid competition this year. It's all very gimmicky.' She took a sip of something. 'How's Daniel?'

'He's fine, playing with his digger.'

'Have you told him that I'm in Europe's boot?'

'I don't think he'd understand that.'

'Tell him anyway.'

I sighed with a tired laugh. 'Daniel?'

'Mm.' He was sitting cross-legged and looked up at me.

'Do you know where Ronit is?'

He shook his head, even though I'd told him several times already.

'She's in a boot.'

'Europe's boot.' Ronit whispered in my ear.

'He doesn't know what Europe is.' I whispered back.

'Ronit's in a boot?' He looked up at me, confused and frowning.

'That's where she is.' I replied, he remained puzzled.

'Did he laugh?' Ronit asked.

'Would it make you feel better if I lied and said yes?'

I heard her chuckle. 'Okay fine, maybe he'll find it funnier when he's older.'

'What are you doing for the rest of the evening?' I asked, stretching my legs out on the sofa.

'Well,' she yawned. 'Normally, I would go and find a bar. But I think I might just get some dinner and come back here and sleep.'

'I've made you a bore, haven't I?'

'No,' she laughed. 'You've made me sensible. I have to be up early again tomorrow.'

'My poor, tired Ronit.'

'I know, woe is me.' She took another sip. 'Oh, I forgot to tell you. I spoke to Audrey earlier.'

'Oh, is she there?'

'No, she had 'her people' call me, as she put it. She wants to have dinner with us, in December when she's in London.'

'You're away a lot in December, aren't you?'

'A few days here and there. Are you happy for her to come to ours?'

'Yes, of course.'

'Not too happy, I hope.'

'A... platonic amount of happy.'

'Good, well I'll try and work on a date. Have you and Daniel had dinner? Did you see I left some money on the side in the kitchen, in case you wanted takeaway or something.'

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