The Late Dinner

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I left the office at 9pm that evening in a rush, cursing under my breath and trying not to imagine what Esti's face would look like when I got home.

It had been an unpredictable day. After the meeting in the morning I had spent the majority of the day in logistics meetings and on long calls with our sponsors. I probably would have lost my mind if Audrey hadn't been there.

' Ma chérie you look stressed.' She said at one point during the afternoon, lounging back on one of the luxury chairs in my office. 'It makes you look older, don't wrinkle your forehead.'

It made me laugh, my face relaxed and I realised just how tight it had been. I rubbed my jaw She had her assistant bring us ice tea, which I think irritated Mia, and the both of us smoked as we finalised designs together.

I was ready to leave at 6pm, that was the important thing. I was ready to get home to my family and ask Daniel about his first day and tickle Leah and kiss and hold Esti. I was ready to leave on time.

I'd just put the last of my things when Mia threw herself into my office.

'Jesus, what's wrong?'

'Conde Nast. The reps. Just arrived.'

'Now? They're here now?' I looked my watch. 'Fuck.'

I saw my idyllic evening crumbling before me.

'Right. Well, let them in.'

I knew it was late, but even Esti would admit that snubbing the partners would be an awful idea. I text her and didn't receive a response.

The reps stayed for fucking hours. Their visit was mostly pointless. All of the important business was dealt with in the first fifteen minutes. The next few hours was a back-patting round of talking about how wonderful we all were and how much of a success the event would be.

Finally, they left. Mia and I accompanied them to the street and she called me a taxi as soon as their car turned the corner.

'Do you need anything else?' Mia asked as I flung my bag into the backseat.

'No, thank you.' I said, ducking into the cab.

'Let me know if you do!' She said, but I'd already closed the door and given my address.

The apartment was loud when I opened the door. Leah was balling and Daniel was shouting, whether in frustration or just because, it was hard to tell immediately.

'Hello?' I called out as I pulled my coat off. I walked through to the living room.

Esti was holding Leah to her, who was wailing, seemingly for no particular reason. Daniel was shouting defensively, his neck elongated and his face a picture of smugness. God, he looked like me when he acted like that. I suddenly had an odd surge of sympathy for my father.

'Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?' I said, startling Esti.

'He woke Leah up with a ball to the face.' Esti said, stroking Leah's fine dark hair. She was talking to me, that was good.

'It wasn't my fault.' Daniel said, holding his foam football under his arm.

'Well, whose fault was it then?' I said, taking a step towards him. I didn't sound like an upset parent about to punish her child, my voice was too high. I sounded like a mother who'd missed her son all day, and was just happy to see him.

'It was her fault!' He demanded playfully, pointing at Leah. 'She got in the way of my ball.'

'Daniel, I told you several times not to throw the ball near her.' Esti sounded sharp and upset. 'And what did you do?'

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