The Fete

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After Dovid and Daniel left, I held Esti in bed; the vanilla candle burned down until it puddled around the wick. There was no inference of sex, nor did either of us mention the bag that sat in the darkness of the wardrobe. I simply hugged her as our legs entwined and her head rested on my chest.

'I feel so empty when he's away.' Esti spoke with a heavy voice, weighed down with sadness. I allowed my fingers to lightly stroke her shoulder as we lay together. 'I miss him awfully.' I felt her sob then. 'I worry so much that Shayna will poison his mind.'

'She won't.' I said trying to keep my voice as low and gentle as possible.


'I don't think so.'

'What makes you so sure?'

'I think she has other things to worry about; turning Daniel against you probably isn't high on her list. It would take too much effort... he loves you too much.'

She laughed and her fingers stroked the fabric of my jumper over my stomach. 'I'm so happy I have you.'

I kissed the top of her head and she sighed. We remained silent, and I closed my eyes. It was so peaceful, laying there with her, listening to her breathing; each second a gift.

She spoke quietly. 'I don't think I can... use the things you bought... tonight.'

'That's fine.' I said, hurriedly; my eyes opened. 'I think that's absolutely sensible.'

'I really want to use them -'

'Esti,' I spoke with my lips against her hair. 'You don't have to excuse yourself. It's fine, another time.'

She kissed my neck. 'Also,' she leaned up and looked at me. 'I have to rest for my debut show tomorrow.'

'Oh, I'm so excited.' I pressed my head against the pillow behind me. 'If you don't have a trailer and a runner, I will kick off.'

She laughed and moved up to kiss me.

The next day was cold, bright and windless; my favourite English weather. We strolled to the school in the early afternoon, holding hands. I had my fully charged camera and three different lenses packed, as Esti had previously forgotten to inform me that I'd been designated as the unofficial photographer for the fete.

'If you forget to take pictures of me, that's fine.' Esti said, as we approached the school gates. Her hands were sweaty, and I felt her shaking a little.

'Oh, I won't forget. You're not nervous, are you?'

'A little.'

'Darling, don't be.'

'What if I make a mistake, or fall over?'

'I wouldn't worry. I almost blinked at the rehearsal and missed you. You'll do your line, and then it's all over and we can enjoy the rest of the fete. Will there be apple bobbing?'

'I think that was ruled out.' I looked at her, crestfallen; she shrugged. 'Something to do with hygiene. Oh no-'

'What?' I asked, but then I turned my head. Beth was just ahead of us walking into the hall; holding a deflated, bright orange mass of material in both of her arms. 'That's the costume, is it?' I asked with a grin.

'I would assume so.'

The fences around the playground had been decorated with plastic skeletons, cobwebs, witches on brooms and various reams of Halloween bunting. Esti and I perused the different stands that had been set up. There was a haunted house bouncy castle at the far end, a face-painting stall, some food vendors, and other arts, crafts and competition and raffle stalls – disappointingly there was no apple bobbing. The fete had only started around half an hour ago, there were several volunteers lingering around but it looked like we were the first visitors.

DefianceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora