The 2016 (Part 3)

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Beth arrived on Saturday for our day date before Dovid, even though I'd deliberately given her a later time so that their paths wouldn't cross. He was coming over to take Daniel out for the day, I didn't know what his plans were; I never asked. I thought it would be him at the door, but it was Beth, with a bouquet of yellow and purple tulips.

'Hi.' She was smiling widely. 'Sorry, I know I'm early, I was just so excited.'

'Oh, that's- that's fine. Come in.'

'These are for you.' She handed me the flowers and I took them.

'Thank you, they're beautiful.' I said, as she leaned in to kiss me. I smiled and brought her inside. 'I'll get them in some water.'

I heard Beth greet Daniel enthusiastically while I was in the kitchen – she really was in a good mood. I carried the flowers into the living room, they were in a glass vase that used to sit in mine and Dovid's house. Daniel was laying on his back in the living room, gurgling and kicking his chubby legs out.

'Look at those cute little feet!' Beth said as she bent down and squeezed his calves and thighs, making him squawk.

'Why so early?' I asked, trying to sound friendly. I knelt next to her; I was halfway through getting Daniel dressed.

'I couldn't sit around waiting. I was so excited for the zoo, and you.' She sat back and let me carry on, but she put her hand on my back. 'You don't mind, do you? I thought it might be nice if I meet Daniel's dad.'

I almost groaned out loud at the thought, but I stopped myself. 'It might... it might just be easier if you don't.'

'Oh... okay. Whatever you want.'

I almost said, 'What I wanted was for you to come around at the time I gave you' but I didn't.

'I looked at the zoo map a hundred times last night.' Beth carried on, her fingers excitedly tickling my back. 'I was thinking we could start with the reptile house, and after that... normally people just head right straight for the farmyard, but if we take an immediate left then we'll be at the penguins in time for their feeding, and that just sounds incredible. What do you think?'

'That sounds great.'

'Ugh, I can't wait. Are you excited?'

'Extremely.' I said, tying Daniel's laces on his tiny trainers.

'Did you want lunch there?' She'd pulled her knees up to her chest. 'It's just, it's quite expensive. I thought we could try this Lebanese place quite close by.'

'That sounds great.' I lifted Daniel up, he was getting so big now, but his head still lolled about on his neck, I wasn't sure if that was normal. I'm sure it was, someone would've pointed it out by now if it wasn't.

'I was thinking after that we-'

Beth was interrupted by a knock at the door.

'Sorry, just one minute.' I got up with Daniel in one arm, grabbed his day bag with my free hand and hastened for the door. 'If you could just... stay here.'

'Sure.' She nodded.

I made my way to the door and opened it. 'Hello Dovid.' I said, trying not to look him in the eyes.

'Esti.' He bowed his head. 'My son.' He held his arms out and took Daniel from me. He bounced him in the air a few times, making Daniel burble with joy.

'I hope you have a nice time today.' I said.

'I'm sure we will.' Dovid held his hand out for the bag holding Daniel's nappies, milk and blanket and I passed them over. 'I will bring him back this evening.'

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