There is no going back...

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Please just hang in there with me everyone. I wasn't entirely sure where I was taking the story or how to start it as I have never really written anything other than research papers. I really have enjoyed writing this story thus far, and I really hope you all like it as well... All comments and input will definitely be helpful I look forward to reading what you think. The next chapter I write will be from Logan's point of view about the events of graduation. Thanks again for reading. Also I will add quotes or pictures as I see them fitting into the story.

All Italicized font is inner thoughts or feelings. Just incase it seems off to you.

May 8th, 2007-Graduation

Today I graduate college with a degree in political science, and journalism... Some would say I'm an over achiever and I may be, but what they don't know is that my paternal grandparents are Straub & Francine Hayden; not even Logan knows. Sure he knows my dad is Chris Hayden but he has never made the connection and I have never added that information in... Partly because until my grandma Francine reached out to me after my grandpa Straub died I didn't have a relationship with them at all in fact they had been downright nasty to me because of my mother and not believing my paternity...or at least that's what I was told and how it seemed at the one dinner I had ever had with them. Come to find out they had been sending me birthday cards and presents for years only to have my mother send them back unopened... Go figure; she hates all things society including the people... Anyway, here I am on my graduation day stuck in my inner monologue trying to figure out the next step in my life. Will it be with Logan here? Back to Yale or on to Harvard in the fall for Law School like my grandma Hayden wants so I can take over my rightful place as the Hayden Heiress? Will Logan and I do long distance? Do I even want to be the Hayden Heiress; do I really have a choice? *sigh* Will Logan and I break up? ...No, no, no! we will make it work no matter wha...

HELLO!!! HELLLOOOO!! Earth to Rory?!!

Yes Paris, what do you want?

You spaced out and looked like you were about to have a seizure or something. What's going on with you? You seem more distracted than usual and that's saying something...

Gee, thanks Paris... you are a true friend. (I say with sarcasm and an eye roll)

Listen all I'm saying is not all of us have a rich boyfriend to fall back on if our lives don't go according to plan, so I would like for you to listen and add helpful input instead of daydreaming about your wanna be boy band boyfriend, alright, okay?!

W-o-w Paris I don't even know what to say to that... Before you so rudely interrupted me, I was thinking about my future and my plans... (so what if that also included Logan; she doesn't need to know that)

Really? You were thinking about your future with that moony eyed expression on your face? Oh GOD! Please tell me your plans are not to run off and marry that playboy Huntzberger after graduation and start popping out little blonde haired future boy band members?

No Paris... *irritated sigh* I haven't even considered children yet, but if you must know of course I was considering Logan into my future. I love him, and I am sure Doyle has been factored into your plans so just chill!

Geez Gilmore I thought you were getting laid regularly why are you in such a foul mood? While you have brought it up I didn't think of Doyle when I considered my future options he considered me into his. I have plans; BIG plans and no man is going to stand in my way. So, what have you decided as far as plans?

Thanks for that Paris I feel much better knowing you think I don't know to consider my own future before a man, real subtle hint there. I also wasn't in a mood until you just had to have this conversation and how often I get "laid" is really none of your business... As for my future I haven't decided. If you can keep a secret and not judge I will tell you my options currently.

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