When everything falls apart

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I know we are supposed to be focused, but I can't seem to shake this feeling of something being wrong. Logan just left without a word, and why did he look so angry? ... Who could have upset him just by calling? I just don't understand; he's always shut down when news wasn't great, but he has never cut me out like that... Ugh, this is going to drive me crazy until I can talk to him and find out what's going on. At this point I just want to go to the hotel, climb in bed and order some yummy food... However, we have been instructed by one Finnegan Morgan not to return to the Hotel until 7pm, sharp! He was adamant, and quite loud in his delivery of that news because Colin has a 'massive surprise' for Steph. Since we have to kill a few hours we decided on a little therapeutic retailing...

Okay, seriously we have more garment bags full of gowns and proper dinner dresses than we could hold; we have to have them loaded into the car before we leave. "How about... we do a little funky fun shopping! Jeans, bangles, snarky t-shirts...ya know fun clothes?"

Lane shouts, "YEAH!! About time we did some real shopping. No offense everyone but I've never been so b--zzz--ored, while shopping! See, I almost fell asleep talking about the shopping we just did."

They all reluctantly agree because funky is NOT their style... I tell them not to worry it will be fun and pull them into the nearest Pac Sun. "Hello funky!" Steph looks excited and jumps right into the funky colors, and tops but poor Rose looks scared. Honor is even more out of her element.

"Alright you all come with me. There is no easy way to go about this without jumping right in," I say as I grab their wrists and drag them to the rack with hip hugger bell bottoms and start flipping through the different pair of jeans. A girl that works there walks up to us. She is in a short--ripped denim mini skirt, black KISS t-shirt that is tied in a knot showing her mid-drift. A studded belt is looped around her waist while fingerless gloves cover her hands. She is super 'rock cute' with her side-swept bangs high cut layers and pink and purple peek-a-boo colors showing in her blonde hair. I see the immediate shocked and appalled looks on Honor and Rosemary's faces. Before they can comment, I lean in and tell them to "loosen up and give something different a real chance no one is telling you to go that far out, but don't knock it until you try it. She looks cute."

Honor just stares with her mouth agape and when she finally finds her words, "Ladies, we are definitely not in Hartford anymore."

I just roll my eyes and say, "Sometimes that isn't a terrible thing." The girl, undaunted by the looks aimed her way, approaches and ask if she can help us with anything. I gesture to them and tell her, "Take these two and don't come back until they look happy and completely different."

"B-b-but... I just bought clothes." Rose starts to object; I feign being unable to hear and just wave to her.

It's my stubborn sister to be that didn't budge. Instead, she folded her arms and said, "I will not be forced to shop in this children's stor---ohhhh... that's cute!" Honor says wide eyed walking in the direction of whatever it is she found. I can't help but laugh at how she tries so hard to be uninterested in funky clothes. I will make her an improper Hartford wife still yet!

Looking around I notice so many cute things that my mom would love either because she likes it or because she knows it would drive my grandma insane just to know she owned it... Ugh, no... I won't ruin my day thinking about things that can't be changed. She made her bed, and now she finally must lie in it. She can't get away with constantly dictating every aspect of my life and acting like a baby when she doesn't get her way. Sorry mom, that's not how the world works... Nope, todays about fun! I'm corrupting my friends posh style and I will enjoy it... and, maybe find me something fun to wear to dinner.

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