I will not give you up, but I might give you a hard time

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Rory's internal interlude

I can't believe today is the day I go look for my wedding dress and make sure my wedding invitations get mailed out. Everyone should receive them, optimistically, a day or two after the heiress announcement/ engagement party. They will have 4 weeks to R.S.V.P which is within proper wedding protocol. Proper timing along with my grandmothers' engagement announcement they wrote for the papers, there will be no suspicion of a proverbial "shotgun wedding". In fact, they were so masterful and sly in the wording that it looks as though we kept the engagement and planning secret for an entire year, since Logan's graduation. They were able to give speculation that my graduation party was used as a ruse to throw off the press so they would be none the wiser to our wedding details or dig for information. Thankfully, no one knows the reason Logan and I broke up for a brief time except immediate family and close friends. Most everyone thinks it was the distance between Logan and I over the last year that caused the split... I wish my mom was coming dress shopping with me, but I don't see things between us even being civil before my wedding, let alone in the next few hours before we head to New York. She ACTUALLY told me that she thought I should give Jess another chance and that Logan didn't want me or the babies; that he would resent me! She went as far as to say Jess would love 'us' me and them as his own, like Luke did me! She hates Jess, but it's not surprising she hates Logan more after all she blames him for everything including the Titanic sinking... I just can't believe she is trying to push Jess on me. She knows he's just a friend and that I last visited him in Philadelphia when Logan went to Costa Rica over a year ago. You would think as my mother she would want me to be happy, but apparently my happiness is contingent on her approval instead of what actually makes me happy...

Logan's point of view:

Today's the day that we officially get our proverbial wedding ball rolling with invitations, photographers, dresses, and tuxes, as well as choosing our wedding party. I know Rory wants Lorelai to be there, although she won't say it out loud. Sadly I can't help but feel a little responsible for the rift between them. After all if I had never pursued Rory in college or allowed her to pursue me, she probably would have never considered joining society, and ended up with someone like Marty or Marty himself. *shudder* However, without that amazing woman in my life I can't even imagine where or who I might be today; so I won't apologize. It's funny Lorelai is so dead set against Rory and me that she is willing to try and create a circumstance in which Rory is a single mother... I still can't believe Lorelai actually sent me an email the day after we returned from Stars Hollow. She offered me money, food, free inn stays and her undying gratitude or anything I wanted to walk away from Rory. I responded nothing would make me walk away from Rory and that she should make things right with Rory, if not for the both of them then for her grandchildren, she responded with, "How do you even know they are yours? Rory cheated on you with Jess." Talk about words that cut like a knife through my soul....

I know she didn't and wouldn't. It's not who she is, however, it didn't stop the words from hurting.... I want to ask her just to put my mind to rest, but deep down I know it isn't true and it will only cause issues between us which is what I'm sure Lorelai is counting on. Rory and I fighting over trust and splitting is exactly what she has in mind, but I won't let my jealousy get the better of my judgment this time...

"Penny for your thoughts?" I hear Rory ask. I look up at her not realizing how intently I was apparently staring at a bridal magazine? Ugh of all the things... internally shaking my head knowing the guys would have my man card revoked for this. Victoria Secret sure, but a wedding magazine? HA! Damn, now I'm staring at her like an idiot; but, my God she is absolutely breathtaking. How could I not? And how did I get so lucky?

"Ground control to Major Tom... Your circuits dead... Can you hear me Major Tom?!" She singsong says and waves her hands in front of my face like a magician doing their best trick.

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