Family is complicated

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After the long night I've already had, I am beyond exhausted, but I know if I don't finish this I never will. If we want to give our children a better family life than we had, I can't back down now. I have to finish this. I drive to the castle-esq house in west Hartford and pull into the drive. I sit for a moment looking at the house trying to calm my nerves and collect my thoughts before I broach this demon. I look at the clock. It's just after 3:30 in the morning. I know I should really wait until later in the day to do this, but I have so much to do today that after this I need to find food take a shower and get in as much sleep as possible before the preparations start. Taking one last deep breath, I climb from my car and make my way to the large steel and glass door and ring the doorbell. I do a quick shake out of my nerves as they start to creep over me again. I ring the doorbell.


Just when I am about to turn and walk away, I see the lights in the foyer blink on and the door click indicating someone is about to open it. So I stand still to wait because I do need to have this conversation.

"How can I help you miss?" The sleepy maid that answers asks me.

"I need to speak with Mrs. Huntzberger," I say with unwavering conviction in my voice

"KATRINA!! WHO THE HELL IS AT THE DOOR?" I can hear Mitchum's voice booming in the distance.

Nervous, the maid looks back and forth, so I step up and say, "It's Rory Gilmore, Mitchum!"

Bemused by the unannounced presence of his soon to be daughter-in-law, Mitchum ask, "Rory, what are you doing here at this hour? I thought all of you were in New York for the night. Is everything alright?" Then he looks at the maid who is standing there with a scared expression on her face. Mitchum sighs and says, "Katrina, it's fine. Ms. Gilmore is always welcome. Please go back to bed." Without any further hesitation the maid turns and hastily disappears.

"Sorry, for showing up at this hour, Mitchum. I just had a terrible night. Things have been so messed up with everyone lately, and of course my emotions are in over-drive, so I decided that I am going to take on all my problems head on while I have the nerve. I could have waited until the party, but to be honest, I just want to get this over with and would rather not publicly humiliate my children's grandmother if it can be avoided. But that is dependent on her after all... Will you please get Shira for me?" I ask exhaustedly

Shaking his head with an amused look on his face he opens the door and gestures for her to come in. He then says, "How I didn't see it before is beyond me. I always pride myself on being observant and knowing and, well, everything, and I completely missed just how much like Straub you are. He was never one to wait for a proper hour to attack his problems either. He was a strong man and he demanded respect, just like you! It was always quite obvious how stoic you were, just like Richard. But that impulsive demanding fire is all Straub. You are every bit Gilmore as you are Hayden. I just hope my grandkids get that same moxie." In his own strange way, Mitchum actually seems proud or impressed with me. It gives me more courage and conviction in my mission here.

"Mitchum who on Earth is here at this hour?" we hear Shira say in an annoyed tone as she comes down the stairs.

With a wink, Mitchum turns to look at Shira as she descends the stairs and says, "It's Rory Gilmore. She came to set some things straight. She is demanding to be heard out."

"Well isn't this an inappropriate time for a house call," she huffs. She looks at me. "Hello, Rory. What has you barging in on our home unwelcomed at this early hour?" Shira sneers in disdain at Rory's intrusion.

Taking a deep breath to regain my composure I begin speaking, "I demand to know just what the hell your problem is? You can cut the bullshit society tone; I'm exhausted and I'm just honestly not in the mood for the fake niceties tonight, understand? How about we sit and have a real conversation instead of whatever belittling, insulting, fake explanations you plan to throw my way?"

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