Let's not go fishing

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"Christopher, where are Rory and Logan? Are they not joining us for breakfast? I do hope she is feeling well. She mentioned feeling a little ill last night before we returned to the hotel, but I just assumed it was the copious amounts of food she ingested gave her heartburn." Emily inquires about the absence of her granddaughter.

Laughing Christopher says, "She definitely has the appetite of her mother and her addiction to caffeine. Let's hope it skips this generation. But no, she and Logan went back to Hartford last night to deal with some things that just couldn't wait."

"They left in the middle of the night? Well, why don't we just throw the whole damn socially acceptable handbook out the window! First your mother with her excessive day drinking, and then the two of them!" Emily snaps exasperatedly shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Oh who the hell is this?" Emily shouts exasperatedly as she pulls her phone from her purse and sees Lorelai's name. She quickly answers worried something may be wrong with Rory.

"Lorelai, what's wrong? Is Rory okay?" She asks sounding more worried than she realized she was feeling.

"U-uh... Hey, mom. I am pretty sure Rory is fine. She and Logan came by here last night and then went back to Hartford, but it was pretty late so they are probably sleeping still. Or well at least I'm sure Rory is. She was exhausted while she was here. That worried freak out was out of character, what's going on with you? Will the real Emily Gilmore please stand up?" Lorelai jokes.

"Oh, okay then. I'm sure there is some joke I'm missing, but I'm not in the mood right now. She's pregnant that's why I had a 'worried freak out' as you so eloquently put it. What do you want Lorelai?" Emily snaps at her daughter in a snide tone

"And she's back ladies and gentleman. The REAL Emily Gilmore."

Hearing Emily let out an annoyed sigh Lorelai decides to get on with why she called. "Sorry, mom. I was calling because Rory visited me last night. We talked through everything and she invited me to her wedding and her heiress party. I've been thinking and I would really like to do something special for her and Logan to show that I am serious about making things right between all of us... Please before you say I told you so or some other condescending comment, let me just say I know I messed up...

... Rory has made it quite clear things will never be the same between us because I betrayed her in so many ways, but I want nothing more than to make it as right as I can." Lorelai pauses. Emily says nothing as she waits for Lorelai to continue. Lorelai begins speaking again, "So, with that being said I was hoping you would help me throw Logan and Rory a small intimate family wedding. I know they have the huge society event coming up, but I do know Rory well enough to know that she is small and intimate over big affair."

Lorelai can almost see her mother's smug look. Emily clucks her tongue and says, "Well, now that we have finally established that you aren't always as right as you seem to think you are, I will say this, I am happy you reached out and want to do something special for your daughter. I do think it would be nice for Rory and Logan that you are wanting to do this. However, we already have a small intimate wedding planned as a surprise for both of them because we know neither of them really wants the big society wedding. They are just doing what they need to do."

"Oh, I see..." Lorelai's voice trails off sounding sullen. "Well, if there is anything I can do to help, I would like to be a part of it even if I am not allowed to be there. I just want her to have the perfect day that she will never forget."

"Lorelai, stop pouting. I said we planned this event. But she will still need a baby shower if you want to be involved in the planning of something. I think she and Logan want to do one of those new gender reveal events, but we haven't even discussed that as we have been focused on their wedding. As for being invited, I won't invite you because I am not part of the reason you wouldn't be. You need to reach out to Christopher. If you can make things right with your Rory, then I have faith you can make things right with Christopher. And Lorelai? For what it's worth, I hope to see you there."

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