Unlike Cupcakes & Coffee... Connecticut & Contrition don't mix well

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Immediately after the conversation with Francine ends Elias decides to call Mitchum...

"Hello Pop, what do you need? I'm quite busy right now." Mitchum barks into the phone.

"Mitchum, I've been thinking about Logan and he needs to fulfil the terms of his trust and be married with an Heir before he is 30. I had the terms amended so that he can have a female heir if she goes through the proper schooling or she can pass it along to a sibling. I know it meant a lot to Logan after Honor got passed over." Elias says with a cool non-chalance

"Okay, that sounds fine. Is that it or is there more because I really am quite pressed for time?" Mitchum comments looking at his watch slightly irritated to be bothered with this mundane conversation.

Elias slightly perplexed on how to continue decides to dive right in. "Not exactly, I wanted to know what you thought of Rory Gilmore being Logan's partner; to be the one to fulfil the terms of his trust? She's intelligent, beautiful comes from a strong family and she is quite poised, so she would do well in social events wouldn't you agree? Plus, it would be less of a fight on our part because Logan already wants to be with her."

Curious about his fathers motives Mitchum decides to humor the old man to see what he is up to. "Hmm... I have no objections to Rory Gilmore, I never have. She is a lovely girl and you are right that she is from a good family among possessing many other fine attributes. She would be a strong partner in business and life for Logan, she keeps him grounded and focused and she's a fantastic writer; albeit a little timid but strong girl none the less. However, if memory serves you and Shira attacked her together saying she was "unsuitable" so forgive me for asking but what prompted this change of heart?"

"I just don't want Logan fighting us his whole life or cutting us out. He needs to settle down and get ready to take over HPG and she is a perfectly suitable match. I was just taken back by him saying she was his girlfriend so quickly and I really knew nothing of the girl except that Shira kept saying she didn't want to stand by Logan, and that she wanted to work. We all know Logan needs a strong partner to stand by him and push him in the right direction, but I can say she has more than proven she is willing to stand by him and encourage him if he stands by her, a true partner in life. She reminds me a great deal of your mother in that aspect." He can't help missing his late wife in times like this. She would know what to do and say.

Shocked to hear his dad speak so candidly and even compare someone to his mother he almost doesn't know what to say... "That's fine pop, and I must agree with you I do see a lot of mom in her tenacity, but Logan proposed to the young miss Gilmore after her graduation and she turned down the proposal. It would seem your change of heart came too late and you will have to look for another "suitable" match. What about that French media family the Bellecourts? They have a daughter a few years older than Logan and the family businesses would be a great merge."

Elias seemingly upset, but trying to contain his desperation to right what he has come to realize is wrong in his family decides to continue, "Mitchum trust me, we need Rory in our family. I've come to realize she is good for Logan and he doesn't want anyone else and I do want to see my grandson happy but mostly I want to see him moving forward in his future. I think we should all reach out to the girl and tell her that we would love nothing more than for her and Logan to find their way back to each other, and we would be in support of the pairing. I think she might be receptive to an apology as none of us have offered one. I can call and have a talk with Logan if you would prefer?"

Becoming concerned because he has never seen his dad take any one other than his mom's feelings into consideration he feels he needs to ask, "Dad, are you sick? Is that what this is about because you've never reconsidered, and you were more than adamant that Logan not be with the Gilmore girl. The exact words were 'she's a lovely girl, but she is insistent on living life like a gypsy and Huntzbergers don't chase gypsy's, so you need to move on Logan, now!'"

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