With you by my side pt2

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"Ace, hey, ace... come on wake-up baby. Call an ambulance!" Logan's voice quivering with panic

Why isn't she waking up?! He asks, just as Juliet throws water on her... Juliet, what the hell are you doing?! Logan angrily shouts

"It worked the first time" she offered with a worried expression.

Finn gives them a questioning look but doesn't say anything he is on the phone with emergency services getting an ambulance to the hotel.

Rory's lashes start to flutter open...grabbing her head still feeling slightly dizzy "ugh what happened?"

"You passed out again, we may want to get you checked for the Moroccan sea virus after all." Steph joked trying to lighten the mood.

Rory gives her a small grin and pumps her fist into the air "Damn you Poseidon, you are ruining the best vacation ever!"

The girls bust up laughing while the guys stand there looking at them like they are crazy until Rose finally says "you had to be here that first day" continuing to chuckle.

"Hey ace, how are you feeling?"

"Never better" she responds with a smile. "I think the girls may be right I probably need to get checked out. This is the second time everything has started spinning and I have passed out I just assumed I couldn't live off alcohol like Finn, but this is something else obviously."

"Alright babe let's get you down to meet that ambulance and we will find out what's going on." Logan says kissing me and lifting me up. He swoops me up and heads off toward the elevator with me as I lay my head on his shoulder before I realize what I look like.

"STOP!!" ... "Ace, are you okay?! Why did you stop me? You aren't feeling dizzy, again are you?" Talk to me ace." He fires in rapid succession before I can answer.

"No, I'm fine but I can't go out in public like this. I look like a lady of the night!" I say motioning up and down to my heavy makeup, outfit, and shoes in horror.

Finn bust up laughing at me like I said something funny, but I am being completely serious, ugh I hate when he laughs at me. "Lady of the night!!" He squeaks he's laughing so hard... Of course, now they all are apparently I'm quite the comedian tonight I think as I roll my eyes.

"What is so funny?! I do, look at the boots and the outfit. I will not leave this room without proper attire, take me to my room to get some clothes or at least actual shoes!" I gasp "OMG... I sound like Emily Gilmore, ugh!"

Juliet took off toward her bathroom and got a package of makeup wipes, and a black maxi skirt that was lying near them.

"It isn't that we technically disagree love, it's just that you said, 'lady of the night'." Robert offers still snickering about her vernacular

"Ugh whatever I need clothes and shoes *I sigh* but I will never get these off!" kicking my feet and wiggling until Logan puts me down. Juliet runs in just as my feet hit the floor and tosses me the items she retrieved for me. "OMG I LOVE YOU!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!" "Juliet smiles and says, "okay hurry up and change."

Logan bends down and swiftly unlaces my boots and one by one lifts them off my feet much faster than I ever could have. "Wow, you did that really fast. I'm impressed" I say with a little smile

With his all too sexy smirk teasing me he says, "What can I say I aim to please, and have a lot of practice getting you out of your clothes quickly."

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