Don't raise your voice, improve your argument.

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Meanwhile in the Hayden Mansion...

"Gigi, do you know your sister is going to come out as the God Father of Hartford in a few weeks?" Chris sarcastically remarks to his daughter while laying in the floor playing dolls with her.

"What does that mean, is Rory becoming a boy?" The 6-year-old looks at her father puzzled

Chuckling he says, "No, she will still be your sister, but she is going to be the new grandma."

with wide eyes and a shocked expression she says, "O-hhh, so people will be scared to talk to her or look her in the eye?"

Laughing at her expression and understanding of how scary her grandma is he says, "Pretty much... Why don't you run down to the kitchen to get a snack? I have some phone calls to make, okay?"

"Okay daddy" Gigi happily starts to skip off and then stops and says "Rory is too nice to be grandma I think people will still look at her." then she turns and disappears out of the room.

Laughing Chris pulls out his phone to finally have a dreaded, but much needed talk with Lorelai.

*Ring, Ring*

Lorelai answers and immediately starts having a meltdown  "Hey Chris, have you heard from Rory, she hasn't been answering my calls, and I know her friends were coming to kidnap her. I need her to call me back I know she needs her mommy right now!"

Exasperated Chris responds to her over dramatic hello and irritating clinginess by saying, "Lore, calm down. She is fine they have been spending time in Monaco. She has a suite they have checked in and she even used her credit card a few times. She's an adult she doesn't have to call every 5 minutes, it's been 4 days and she's dealing with a heartbreak if she needed her "mommy" she would have called. I think her friends have it covered."

Lorelai rolls her eyes listening to Chris talk then says, "Yeah, I know she's an adult, but it isn't like her to not check in with me. Wait, did you say suite and credit card? She doesn't have a credit card and unless the girls paid for the suite she doesn't have the money for something like that. What's going on Christopher?"

*sighing* "If you would let me speak I would tell you what is going on."

Lorelai with a huff she says, "Fine, I'm listening, continue."

Chris already vexed with this conversation starts to speak again, "When she showed up here she was in a bad way. Mom and I sat, and we talked with her for a while. Then mom showed us a contract my dad had drawn up before he passed, and as my eldest that makes her the rightful heir or heiress of Hayden International Inc. if she so chooses..

* interrupting and screaming into the phone*  "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Christopher, I won't allow it!" She growls out in an angry huff

Chris exasperatedly responds to her incredulous outburst "Lorelai, no one is asking your permission. It's done. Her grandmother asked HER, and she agreed after reading the contracts. She is a Hayden and OUR daughter Lorelai, NOT just yours! I know you like to overlook that fact, but there it is so deal with it."

Lorelai slightly taken back by Chris' backbone she was sure he never had decides to approach the conversation in a way she knows will get her what she wants. She always gets what she wants after all. "I gave her life and raised her alone without your help, and I won't let you or anyone force her into society. I won't have her subjected to more rich playboys like, Logan Huntzberger! She refused his proposal and I gave him the nudge he needed to walk away, at least for now. It should give her time to settle down with a nice boy of substance.

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