Carrying the sting of your touch

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...Swiftly Steph pulls out her phone and taps out a quick message to Colin letting him know what's going on. "Hey babe, we have a potential obsessed jilted lover situation and could really use our guys with us for the next week or we may have to leave early." Then she closes her phone and returns into polite conversation with the girls in the car until they make it to the mall. Upon arrival she feels her phone buzz and pulls it out to see a message from Colin.

Be there as soon; rounding up Finn now. Stay together & Be Safe my love. xC

See you soon. Xxx Steph  She quickly shoves her phone back into her pocket and heads inside with the girls.

"Ohooo... who was that?" Rory teases Steph wiggling her eyebrows up and down when she sees her blushing.

"My mother." Steph lies and sticks her tongue out at Rory then laughs.

"Yeah, my mother always makes me blush like I just got caught having sex too." Rory counters rolling her eyes with a smug smile aware of who Steph was really texting.

"What about you all do you get boyfriend blushy when your mom text as well?" Rory with a sly grin staring at Steph but asking Juliet and Rosemary.

"Oh, yeah of course. My text from my mom are always so hot!" Juliet responds sarcastically with a roll of her eyes and a chuckle. Then quickly drags Rose into Victoria Secret.

"So..." Rory ask side glancing at Steph hoping she won't make her keep prying. When Steph doesn't say anything and continues to shop Rory can't help herself she has to push.

"Oh, come on Steph! Tell me what had you blushing? Friends tell!" She says throwing her hands out with her eyebrows lifted in a questioning manner then rolls her wrist gesturing for Steph to continue with details.

"Fine!" Steph says with faux exasperation and a roll of her eyes. "It was Col, he called me His Love. Well the exact words were "My Love". I don't know he has just never called me 'his', let alone his love before and it made me blush because I really liked it.

"Aww, Steph that is so sweet!!" Rory says with squealed excitement for her friend.

" Stephanie and Colin sitting' in a tree...K-i-ss-i-n-g...

First comes... sex, then comes lo-ve,

then comes marriage and Colin with a ba-by carriage. "

Rory sing song teases Steph while bobbing her head back and forth with her little made up song.

"O.MG. Stop it! You are so embarrassing, and I don't think sex was part of the original lyrics." Steph says tapping her chin in a mock thinking pose and laughing at Rory's lyrics.

"Maybe not, but it is an integral part of YOUR song!" Rory says snickering and poking Steph in the side before lacing her arm through Steph's and dragging her further into Victoria Secret.

In a nonchalant tone while looking through swimwear Steph says "Tell me about that Tristan guy? He seems really intense."

"Oh, umm... Well there isn't much to tell really. We went to Chilton together and then he left for military school." Rory tries for nonchalance but just comes off evasive.

"Rory, seriously... It seems like a bit more than that. Friends tell, remember?" Steph says with a saccharine smile knowing she has her trapped now!

"Ugh...not fair using my own words against me." Rory whiney groans giving Steph a pouty look.

"Spit it out Gilmore!  Bambi eye's wont work on me. I want all the dirty details..." Steph responds with vigor

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