With you by my side

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The song I added to this came to me after I finished the chapter, It seemed fitting. I hope you all enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback on the story so far or ideas for the future and Thank you to all of those that have continued to read.

We turn to see all our guys standing there watching us...

All the guys donned similar expressions to Finn's wide eyes and agape mouth, but he is the first to speak, placing his hand on his heart staring at all of us...

"Bloody hell mates, I think I'm in love."

Colin winks at Stephanie, "Me too mate. Which one do you fancy the most?"

"All of them"

"To think all this time, we thought these lovely ladies stayed home, drank wine and missed us while we went off on adventures. How mistaken we were boys. I must say though I have a new-found appreciation for 80's girl music" Robert says smiling at us mischievously

"How right you are Robert", Colin says circling us. "They have so cleverly deceived us all these years. However, will we punish them for such deceit?" He says smugly staring us down with a quirked brow

"Marry me ladies!?" Finn falls to his knees and puts a hand on his heart and one out in the air for someone to take.

"That is a punishment far too severe for the crimes in which they have commit." Robert snidely retorts.

"I concur marriage to Finn would be a cruel fate indeed." Colin comments back, rubbing his chin thinking..." Perhaps we should make them put on repeat performances to make up the times we have missed out on."

"Brilliant idea Colin, ladies, please continue the concert." Robert says holding his hand out for us to continue and smiling at us.

We just stand there with pursed lips and quizzically lifted brows and shake our heads no.

"Oh yes, that would be lovely. I love watching that sexy red head move." Finn comments in amusement bobbing his eyebrows at us.

Seth Just stands there in continued stunned silence staring at Rose a moment longer.

"Do you see boys they openly deny our request?" Colin asks feigning annoyance

"I do indeed. They are naughty little minxes aren't they? I'm hurt they would deprive us of such enjoyments in our life." Robert winks at us and pouts his lips

"Finn that's my fiancé you are talking about" Seth finally speaks then grabs Rosemary claiming her as his own and tossing her over his shoulder smacking her ass.

Collective gasp from the guys as Robert rolls his eyes "that one has always been so territorial and unwilling to let us play with what was his."

"Selfish really." Colin says incredulously shaking his head

"It would appear someone's mother forgot to drop him at nursery school on sharing day." Finn comments and rolls his eyes talking about Seth to Robert and Colin.

"Indeed she did boys, now if you will excuse us." Seth responds to the guys with slight irritation...He has always been a bit of a dud in the personality, but Rose loves him c'est la vie.

Rosemary starts giggling "My caveman, come to take me away." putting her hand to her forehead like a damsel needing to be rescued.

Stephanie snort laughs ... "don't forget the camera Rose" winking at her as her and Seth head toward her room. Rose sticks her tongue out at Steph and yells back, "green isn't your color dahr-ling!" blowing her a kiss before they disappear in her room.

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