Putting on a show

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 After what seems like the longest car ride in history the car pulls up to the hotel they scramble to get out quickly and head inside. Before going to the salon Rory stops by the front desk and talks to Gia.  

"No one is to know my friend's, or I are in the Hotel unless they ask for 'Lo Hayden' specifically. There is a guy we don't want to bother us, and I don't want him to have access to our room information or stay here. We just want to have a stress-free vacation, understand?"

"Yes, Miss Hayden I understand. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Gia asked politely.

Rory smiles, "actually, we are hoping to extend our vacation at least another week will it be an issue to keep our suite?"

Gia starts tapping on her keyboard looking through the booked dates and finally says, "no that should be fine. We don't have any one in that suite for at least 3 more weeks if you decide to extend your trip longer."

"That would be wonderful, please just block it off for us that way we have flexibility in our departure. Also, we are going to have a girl's night in tonight do you think you could find us a karaoke machine and deliver it to our room?"

"Of course, Miss Hayden. I will have a karaoke machine brought to your suite straight away."

"Thank you again, Gia." Rory says before turning and leaving with the girls towards the salon.

"Welcome to Rossano Ferretti, appointment name?" the upbeat girl behind the counter says as we enter. Juliet steps forward and says, "DuPont party."

"Very nice, welcome, Miss DuPont and guest, I'm Olivia please follow me." the very attractive brunette with chocolate colored, almond shaped eyes and full rosy lips says with a perky smile. Once we get to the back she introduces us to the stylist we can choose from; Pierre, Charlotte, Victoria & Isabella.

Juliet went off with Pierre who is the color specialist and probably deaf after Juliet's squeal at his declaration that he can make her a "hot red-head." I can't wait to see her as a red head it will be an interesting change to say the least.

Rosemary went with Charlotte for a trim, wax and blow-out. I love Rose, but she is even less of a risk taker than I am and that is saying something.

Steph went with Victoria to add some low and highlights blonde to her already blonde hair for "dimension" and to get a cut and relaxer put in her extremely naturally curly hair. I'm more curious about what Colin will think of Steph's new hair than I am about Finn seeing Juliet as a red-head. I love Finny, but he is rather predictable.

Finally, I went with Isabella who told me to call her Isa. She is sweet, funny and super cute. If her hair is any indication to how mine can looks I'm going to look amazing. I told her I don't know exactly what I want but I'm putting my hair in her hands just to maintain the natural color unless there is a way to enhance the richness I just don't want to change it. Other than that, I am her canvas to do with as she pleases. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy this..." In Omnia Paratus apparently now applies to my hair" I said with a giggle. The girls couldn't contain the laughter that escaped because of my LDB reference. We all just sit back and relax and let the professionals take over.

3.5 hours later...

We are colored, cut, waxed, styled, manicured and, pedicured and finally ready to head back to the room. We all look very different especially, Juliet. I will give Pierre this; she is one hot red head! Finn is in for a surprise. Heading back up to the room Rosemary says "I feel like the disappointment I'm the only one that doesn't look different. Maybe I should go back tomorrow and do some drastic change as well, what do you all think?"

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