Meanwhile back in Hartford

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"Mother do you think telling Rory that she needed to find a suitable date to her heiress announcement was a good idea? She just came out of an extremely painful long-term relationship, and I just don't think she is ready to be "escorted" by another man. Perhaps I should just walk her out and introduce her I am her father after all. I know your concern is for the Family name and not Rory specifically, but my concern is for my daughter, I love that kid with every part of who I am even though I haven't shown it well over the years... The point I'm trying to make is I won't watch her hurt and definitely not for the sake of a social party."

Francine narrows her eyes with pursed lips tilting her head ever so slightly to the side and quirking her brow at Christopher trying to figure out if her son has lost his damn mind. She takes in a sharp breath and finally responds. "Christopher do you think your father, or I are stupid? Of course, you loved your daughter she is part of you and we love her very much as well. You had a bright future ahead of you, even Lorelai had a bright future ahead of her and it all appeared to be going away when she found out she was pregnant. We always hoped you all would get married and we could help you both, so your lives weren't derailed, and you could provide the life Rory deserved to live. Instead Lorelai pushed you out of her life and then all of us out of Rory's. We were lucky we got Hayden on her birth certificate! I can continue to tell you how much we loved her, but I think it may be best for you to see yourself, so you understand and then we can discuss Rory's escort issue."

"O-okay... I just always assumed because of how angry dad always was with me and constantly called me a disappointment that meant..."

"Christopher, your father loved you very much but to say he wasn't disappointed would be a lie and I won't lie to you. He was very disappointed; not in you, but the situations you found yourself in starting with unplanned pregnancies. He wanted you to stand up to Lorelai regarding Rory. However, you never did and that disappointed him deeply because he lost his granddaughter and had to watch you suffer the loss of your child. After that your father closed off to the emotional aspect of yours and his relationship because it did hurt him so deeply, it hurt all of us. You couldn't possibly think us so cold to never have loved her, she is a part of us. Follow me I will show you."

As they walk Christopher is trying to process what his mom had just told him. His dad had always been so terrible to him and even his mom had said maybe Rory wasn't his once or twice, this doesn't make any sense. Surely, she was just trying to make her decision to force Rory into using a high society escort alright. No, I can't let it happen I have to protect my kid's heart from that. No matter what she shows me I must stick to Rory being escorted by me.

"Mom, what are we doing in here? I have seen dad's office before."

"Just give me a moment I'm just going to retrieve something from your dad's safe, and if you would be a dear and pull the boxes from the back of the closet and bring them here that would be quite helpful."

"Sure..." Chris says as he walks into the closet in the very back behind his father's golf clubs he finds 3 big boxes and starts pulling them back into the office. Once he returns he finds his mom sitting behind his dad's desk with 2 large memory books.

Francine says apprehensively "I am going to show you just how much Rory meant to me and your father. Promise not to over-react and try to understand?"

"Ok-ay... What is all of this?"

Pushing the memory albums toward Chris "Take it and look for yourself and I will answer any questions you have as long as you aren't being irrational now look through the albums and go through the boxes before your questions, please."

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