Everything I never knew I wanted

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I am relaxing on the couch just enjoying some time alone and getting ready for tonight, I still can’t believe that Steph convinced Rory to take a yoga class. I will never let her live this down. My Gilmore DOES exercise, miracles never cease. I really wish I could see her exercising. I feel like I need some proof of this odd occurrence, otherwise I believe she went and found a coffee house but will come home in Yoga pants. I should smell her when she walks in. Shaking my head and chuckling, I take a quick drink of my coffee and continue checking my emails and looking through the house listings. I don’t mind staying here, but I know I would really like to have our own home. There are so many things we need to do before the babies get here, but that all starts with making her my wife tonight.  I know this day is going to fly by, so I hope whatever she is doing, she is resting. Since I have some free time, I am going to check over my vows again.


Who the hell is beating on the front door? This is insane. The only people that can get to the door are the ones with the code. And that’s only family. I walk to the door and pull it open to see Colin standing there looking panicked. “Colin you look like shit. What’s going on? Want to come in for a drink?” I ask trying to calm my frenzied friend.

NO! No drink! I need you to come with me now. You call, and I will drive. We have to go now!” Colin screams in my face and looks broken.

“Woah, calm down, man.  Where are we going? Maybe I should drive, and you should make this call, whatever it is. You don’t seem to be in a place to drive.” I try to placate him, but I am at a complete loss as to what is going on. Just then I see tears start sliding down Colin’s face. He never gets emotional he is always pretty level headed. A feeling of dread begins to seep through me. “Colin you are starting to scare me, what’s going on man?”

“Stephanie and Rory are in the hospital. I don’t know which hospital or why, but they are. I know that much because Rory called me. She told me. And then I heard the phone hit the floor and someone yell for help. Logan, I don’t know where they are. I immediately drove over here. We have to find them. What if something is wrong? We have to go! They are in Hartford, so we have three hospitals. I will call Hartford Hospital if you will call St. Francis.” Colin rambles in a daze.

“Damn it Colin, why didn’t you start with that? Let’s go! You don’t know anything other than that? THINK!!” I yell at Colin pulling him out of the house and jumping in the car. In a panic, we start calling the hospitals.

I call St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center. Of course I can’t get an actual person to answer. No, I have to press a bunch of unnecessary numbers and confirm I want to continue the call in English. Finally, it gets to the operator and I ask for the E.R nurses station and get put back on hold. For all the money our families donate to this damn hospital, they should be able to hire someone that can answer the damn phone! “Yes, hello, this is Logan Huntzberger. I am calling to find out if you have a Lorelai Gilmore-Hayden in your care?”

“Sir, I am not allowed to divulge patient information,” a snide voice answers impatiently.

“My pregnant fiancé and her best friend were in an accident. I just need to know if she is there,” I say through gritted teeth. I take a breath and try a new, nicer tactic, “Please, can you help me? Just check and see if you have a Lorelai Gilmore-Hayden in the system.” I plead with the non-compliant nurse on the other end of the phone.

Sighing in reluctance the nurse finally says, “It’s against hospital protocol, but I can tell you there are no friends that have been brought here from an accident. However, a very pretty brunette brought her equally pretty blonde sister in about 15 minutes ago if that helps.”

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