I do whatever I want

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We arrive at Inside Park at St. Barts

We find the guys already seated in the center of the patio under a covered pergola with drinks in front of them and wine for everyone else. We make our way through the crowd to the table. All the guys stand and pull our chairs out for us. I give my dad and Logan both a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before taking my seat.

Once we are seated the waitress arrives. She is a very cheery woman with dark auburn hair and couldn't have been more than 19 or 20 years old. She has had Finn's undivided attention since she appeared. She sashays up to the table and says, "Hi, how are you all this afternoon? I'm Mandy and I will be your server today. Would you like to try one our signature drinks or an appetizer while you look over the menu?"

I look up from my menu and was about to say no, thank you we have it covered as far as drinks when my grandma Francine speaks up, "Yes, actually, I would like to try one of your signature cocktails. What do you recommend for a fun older woman such as myself?" She says it with a smile and wink at the girl standing in front of us.

Mandy blushes as her smile spreads widely across her face and she says, "Oh, if you are considered old, I can only hope to age so well! And if you are new here, I would suggest either 'When Figs Fly' or 'The 1919!' They are my personal favorites."

"You know what? I think I will take one of each. It never hurts to have options, now does it?" Francine says with a matter of fact smiling look on her face and then goes back to perusing the menu as if she hadn't just ordered as the boys would have ordered.

Mandy looking quite pleased with the exchange says, "No, it absolutely doesn't! Can I get any of the rest of you a drink?"

We all just shake our head no with our mouths agape from watching Francine and Mandy's exchange with complete shock

Emily has a look that can be described only as appalled, but she quickly regains her composure and says, "Francine do you think those are the most appropriate choices of drink, when we have a perfectly good glass of wine in front of us?" She tries giving her a subtle hint to change her mind because that is not an appropriate drink choice for a woman of high-society, and most definitely not appropriate for a woman at mid-day!

Francine looks her dead in the eyes and responds with, "Emily, loosen up! This may not be the societal norm, but look around us! Who here is going to recognize us? These are young people and we use to be young. So for today, let's throw society's expectations to the wind and just enjoy ourselves with the kids. You probably need a real drink more than any of us." As she lowers her head to peruse the menu once more, I can see the smug smile she tries to hide.

Choking on his drink dad says, "Mom, are you o-kay? This is unusual behavior for you and to berate someone over not drinking I'm becoming concerned."

Vexed with the response she is getting from everyone Francine responds with, "Oh Christopher, I'm an adult. And if I want to enjoy a drink, I will enjoy a drink. It's not as if I'm going to get drunk, but I would like to enjoy myself and this day. Is that alright with you, son?"

Shocked at the exchange he just had with grandma, Dad stutters, "Sure, mom, it's fine with me. Enjoy your drinks."

Smugly content Francine says, "Thank you. In fact, I think everyone should loosen up and have a real drink, well except you Rory dear. You can have a couple sips from your wine, but you should really stick with water."

Everyone lets out a whoop with a laugh as the waitress comes back to the table and takes their new drink orders. She returns in record time with their new drinks and asks again if we are ready to order. This time I'm the first to speak.

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