The reason for me, is you.

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It doesn't take long to find him and the guys sitting in the hotel bar with a bottle of scotch and three glasses in front of them. None of them say a word, so I walk up and tap Logan on the shoulder and ask if we can talk. Without looking at me, he says, "Go away Rory, I'm not in the mood to have this conversation tonight."

Stunned I stand there for a moment. "Okay, maybe later?" I sullenly ask and begin to turn and walk away.

Then the anger hits me. I can't control it. I yell at him, "No! You know what? This is crap and unfair! You don't get to just push me out while you sit here and drink with the guys, like I did something wrong! You don't get to sulk over my PAST! God knows I would have drank Connecticut dry if I drank every time I heard about or encountered someone from your past. I'm through being the good little girlfriend that never says what's on her mind and just gets over things. You WILL talk to me, and you will do it NOW!" I stare him down, "I'm not asking! Boys, GO! Now! I won't say it again. Logan and I need to talk, alone!"

They all look at me wide eyed with shock and their mouths agape. They glance at Logan before grabbing their glasses and the bottle and quickly moving across the bar. They slink as far away as they can get from us or well, me.

"Looks like you will be a proper scary society queen after all," Logan says with a snarky tone. "Robert probably peed himself a little being berated barely above a whisper like that," Logan says rolling his eyes and finishing off the last of the scotch in his glass.

Rolling my own eyes at his flippant comment, "Can you be serious for one minute, and please try to act like an adult during this conversation."

"Oh, who's being facetious now?"

Holding up my hands I say, "Alright, I concede... I just want to talk about what just happened in there. You got the wrong impression by what happened. I understand you are upset, however it is NOT okay how you talked me and about the babies. If that's how you are going to be, then maybe we should re-evaluate us and what we are doing together."

"What the hell was I supposed to think, feel or say in that moment? I walk in on the guy singing about how he's still in love with you and closing the space between you two. He was looking at you like some kind of fucking pining long lost lover staring longingly into your eyes. And then instead of feeling secure in our relationship, it all blew up in my face when he said you all were just recently together, apparently talking about what a shitty person you think I am. Like that is a big shocker!"

"Are you kidding me right now? Do you feel validated or something in basically calling ME a cheater? Feeling guilty for your own past actions, Logan? Don't you dare try to turn this bullshit on me!" I say enraged. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself thinking this can't be good for the babies. A fraction calmer, I say, "When I saw he was there, I tried to hide behind Lane and Honor since I didn't have time to explain the existence of Jesse in my life to you or anyone. But Robert thought they were blocking my view and pulled me forward. I get that it was uncomfortable for you to watch, but I wasn't staring longingly into his eyes. I was shocked to see him there. Then he started singing that damn song and it took me back to the night he wrote it. It was the night when I told him I ONLY want YOU! Urgh! You are so damn frustrating! YOU were the one that pushed ME away for months, only seeing me when you couldn't hook up with some other random girl. You saw me at your convenience, but of course you see me as being in the wr..."

Logan's lips crash into mine with a force of passion unlike I have ever felt. Just his lips on mine are sending sparks over my entire body. I feel his tongue slide across my bottom lip asking for permission. I quickly part my lips granting him access to deepen the kiss. His tongue sweeps across mine, and I let a little moan out in his mouth I wrap my arms around him pulling him in closer to me. I start to melt into the kiss and just as quickly I push him back... "Wo-wo-woah what was that for? We need to talk about all this! We can't just kiss and make up without finding the underlying cause of the issue."

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