Oh Baby, Baby!

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I have no idea where I am going, but I probably need to get her a gift or something.. She seems to be taking this news a lot harder than I am. Did she not want kids is that why she is freaking out? She did just accept my proposal maybe she didn't think kids were part of that? What says thanks for housing the new Huntzberger spawn in your body, roses?... no, that says thanks for accepting my proposal...maybe chocolate? Seems cheap considering she is carrying a Huntzberger...

Hey mate, how is love doing? Do they know what's wrong with her yet? I faintly hear but I can't quite process who is talking then the indistinct chatter starts again...

Logan, mate? Is Rory okay, tell me Rory is okay? Finn, it sounds like Finn...

"LOGAN!!! TELL US ABOUT RORY!!!" Stephanie screams in his face starting to panic because he hasn't said anything and looks lost and scared.

"O-oh, sorry-umm, Rory is going to be fine. She is dehydrated from all of the alcohol and her lack of water consumption. They are keeping her overnight for observation"

Steph continues her line a questioning confused as to why he is pale as a ghost "Okay, then why do you look like... that; like you have had your whole world ripped out from under you? Did she change her mind about the proposal or something?"

"Or something"

"Okay, Logan you are going to have to give us more than that. Why is Rory not out here with you and what is going on that you look this traumatized?" Juliet interjects with an annoyed face from his lack of informative responses.

I just stare at them all for what seems like hours as I zone out but is mere seconds before I mutter out..."Rory's pregnant."

Collective jaw drops, and gasps come from the girls and widened eyes from the guys before one speaks... "Are you sure, can I see her? Let her know I'm here and want to talk with her."

"Dude, I told you not to even come had you not been hanging out in the lobby you wouldn't even know she was here you need to leave before you cause a serious issue. She isn't your girl in anyway." Robert says back in hushed hurried tones.

"No, I have the right to see and talk to her. We were headed in that direction you saw us together, we are great together. I just need to talk to her." Tristan bites back at Robert.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I shout in the man's face visibly irate that he is all but demanding to speak with my pregnant fiancé.

I'm Trista...*CRACK*!!! that's all you hear as blood splatters across his face, the floor and Logan's hand...Finn and Colin quickly grab Logan and pull him away so there isn't more of a scene made. The rest of us are just frozen in shock...

Logan isn't violent what the hell...I have so many mixed emotions watching this, on the one hand has he lost his mind? But, on the other YOU go sexy angry baby daddy; put that creep in his place! Stephanie stands there and thinks to herself with a perplexed look on her face.

Don't you ever come near my wife again, asshole!! If you ever so much as breathe in her direction I will have you thrown in jail for harassment and assault. I saw the marks on her arms and wrist you are a fucking piece of shit!

"Get the hell out of here Tristan or see a doctor I don't really care, but you need to leave my friends alone, now. Rory wouldn't want you here she doesn't even like you on a tolerable level and you know it! This obsession has to stop, now. Go! Before he finishes you off."

"Guys, guys!... calm down the nurses and doctors are looking at us." Rosemary whisper shouts trying to calm everyone.

"U-uh looks like that one is pissed, and she is headed our way." Seth remarks.

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