Broken world

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As soon as the words had left the doctors lips, I felt my blood turning to ice and the world starting to slip into this vague haze. I was consumed by anger and hatred. All I wanted to do was flee from the room and go find the bastard that destroyed my family. Oh God. Oh God, no. This can't be happening.

I didn't even need to hear what the doctor said next. I knew what was coming. How could a pregnant woman take such a hard hit and not miscarry? It's not possible or well probable. I don't want to hear it, I can't hear it. I turn and walk as quickly as I can from the room barely avoiding a grasp at my arm to keep me there. She may be their daughter and granddaughter, but she is my heart and soul and now it's broken. Those were my kids, and now they are gone. I must find a way to make this right. I won't stand by and allow Seth to get away with this. I will make him pay. The bastard is dead. He killed what is most important to me. I will kill him with my bare hands.

I make it to the elevators just as the doors open. Much to my displeasure stood Paris and a vaguely familiar man. "What are you doing here Paris. And why did you bring a date? Is this some sick amusement for you to know that I've lost everything just like you always wanted?" I spit at her in an unforgiving abhorrent tone. "How did you even find out where the hell we were?" I continue to sneer as I start to push past her. I don't have the patience or time to deal with her, I need to deal with Seth before he slithers into hiding.

Instead of allowing me to pass, she starts moving toward me in a very menacing way and gets right in my face. With a discontented tone, she snaps at me, "I'm going to be a doctor. You don't think I know how to handle a nurse? I have gotten more information on you over the years from doctors than I did about my best friend. I am going to ignore the fact that she has yet to tell me that you have knocked her up. I had to hear that from my good friend Tristan here." She glares at me and says, "And if you so much as make a move in his direction, I will lay you out do you understand me? We saw what happened. Well, the end of it at least. Tristan is the one that helped her get the Barbie in her car. She wasn't looking so well, and I noticed there was blood, so I started calling around until I found them. Now, where the hell are you going? Where the hell is Rory?"

Through gritted teeth I angrily spit out, "Get out of my way Paris. And get your 'good friend' out of here. Or it won't be the first time he leaves a hospital with a busted-up face. He probably only helped because he was looking for some redemption for what he did to her in Monte Carlo. Did he tell you about that? How he bruised her wrist while forcefully holding onto her when she didn't want to be held onto? What kind of asshole puts his hands on a woman and won't let her go and then shows up to a hospital he wasn't invited to and acts like he has a right to be there?"

Instead of moving Paris gets right in my face with no respect for personal space or my current pained state. She says, "You really need to get over yourself. I know what Tristan did. That is why we were at brunch today. We were discussing what happened and how he could ever apologize to all of you. Rory has always been a weakness for him. If anyone should know what that is like, to be desperate for a second chance, it should be you. He knows he acted horridly and he feels bad for it. He wrote an apology letter and wanted me to give it to you all so he didn't have to be a problem anymore. But as we were leaving, one of YOUR friends was assaulting not one, but two pregnant women while yelling about what a bitch she was and how she would pay. That wasn't Tris. He would never intentionally hurt Rory. So, we are here to check on them. Now, if you think I am going to let you walk out of this hospital sulking and feeling sorry for yourself when she needs someone, you are sorely mistaken. You can turn your mopey ass around and lead us to her," Paris instructs me with a determined look on her face.

Sighing in reluctant surrender, I run my hands through my hair and over my face. Resigned, I gesture toward her room. As much as he wants to keep fighting and leave this hospital, I am never going to leave Rory alone with someone that has even unintentionally put his hands on her. Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, Paris is right. Rory does need me. I need to pound Seth. But that can wait.

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