Who doesn't love Oscar?

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Ugh, I will just send Christopher a text. I want to endure as little smugness as possible. It's already been a craptastic few days and I don't intend to put myself through anymore of that... I wish my mother would have just talked to him for me, but nooo Emily Gilmore is all about teaching me a lesson even if she claims she isn't. Well Pffft to you too, Lady! I will not call Chris! I can't... I won't... No, no, no, I can't. She will cave and talk to him for me. She loves me; I'm her daughter she will do it. Yeah, she will do it... GRRR!!! FINE EMILY! Y-O-U win again, are you happy!?! Lorelai paces her room talking exasperatedly to her phone. Pulling her phone open she dials Chris's number and then quickly hangs up. Nope, can't do it. Email will be better, but after coffee. I need coffee if I'm going to do this. She turns to make herself a cup of coffee when her phone starts ringing.

"Hello" she timidly says instantly regretting calling and hanging up because she forgot about caller id. Ugh, this was so much easier in high school.

"Lore, what did you need? I was busy with the florist," Christopher's voice says sounding frazzled.

"Aww Chris, that's so sweet! You didn't have to buy me flowers, but don't forget the chocolates. OH, and coffee I appear to be out and could really go for a cup," Lorelai says sweetly as she delays the real reason for her call and hang up.

Rolling his eyes and relinquishing an annoyed sigh, "Why don't you tell me why you are calling me? If I recall we didn't exactly leave things on a high-note. Something about running away with my daughter and leaving me out of her life and replacing her family. Stop me when I'm wrong."

"Okay, I get it. I'm a horrible person and I do everything wrong and screw up everyone's life. You can't say anything to me that Emily Gilmore hasn't already said to me. So, let's just get it over with, let me have it. Don't hold back, tell me how you hate me, and I screwed up your life and everyone else's," Lorelai says childishly.

"Lore, stop! You want to know what I really want to say to you and how I really feel? Then fine I'll tell you, but you won't diminish my feelings with excessive talking, and trying to make me feel guilty for how badly you feel Emily has treated you over the years. I am not going to baby you or tell you what you said isn't true. Because it is!" Christopher snapped. "But that isn't how I feel; it's how you feel and how our daughter is currently feeling. So just quit with the usual self-pity act we all know by heart," Christopher says not holding back.

"Yeah she really let me have it. She really has that Gilmore-Hayden ice running through her veins. Must be genetically transferred to know how to make one Lorelai Victoria Gilmore feel two inches tall with just a single comment... *sighing* "I'm sorry for everything, Chris. I want you to know that. I truly mean I am sorry. I'm not just trying to placate your feelings, but I mean it. You have to believe me, you do believe me, don't you?" Lorelai starts rambling and tearing up.

This is obviously going to happen, and I have done this similar dance with Lorelai where we both yell and explode at each other then at the end of it a day or week is ruined and nothing has been accomplished. I have too many things on my plate to keep playing this game with her. I really need this to just end. With a relenting sigh Chris says, "I know you mean it. I'm sorry too."

Shocked and confused Lorelai says, "What, why are you sorry? You didn't do anything?"

Taking in a sharp deep breath Chris starts to speak, "Exactly! I didn't do anything. I could have fought you for Rory. I should have fought you, my parents, and everyone for her. I wanted her badly. I wanted you too. I wanted the whole damn picture-perfect family!" Sighing, he said, "But I was 16 and had no idea what to do. I knew If I told my parents to fight for Rory, it would have hurt you and hurt her too. I never wanted you to hurt, Lore. I love you, loved you..." sighing again..." I love you Lore, I always have, and I never wanted to hurt you. I should have, GOD knows you've given me more than enough reason to hate and justifiably hurt you regarding our daughter, but that isn't me, it's you...  No matter what has happened though, we have both made mistakes over the years, big ones! You more than me, but still, mistakes were made.  I was livid when I called you the last time. Then you made all these excuses. It just made me angrier with you, but how can I hate you when you gave me Rory? She's amazing Lore. I can't hate you for everything done leading to her becoming the amazing woman she is today."

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