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I sat on a chair by the table looking around at my family and friends who had come over to celebrate my graduation. My family could take things to a whole new level sometimes. I could still remember the way they raised their voices cheering when I was called up to the podium to get my degree.

Hannah and Richard were standing side by side as they conversed with Drake, Anne, Danny and his girlfriend Meahri. She was a beautiful Korean woman with smooth porcelain skin and black shoulder length hair.

Hannah, Richard and I finally sat down and talked after I continued to ignore them. Let's just say it was a long talk with a lot of tears shed. There's no one like a best friend who understands you some times more than you do yourself.

Denise and Vanessa were chatting with Kimberly-Kevins sister. Their Mom Charlotte came over and dropped them off. I asked her to stay and she did for a little while before she left, mostly because Mom still can't stand her and didn't even bother to hide it. The good part is that she has no problem with the girls

Speaking of Mom she was chatting with Elena on the far left side and they seemed to be laughing a lot. Only one person was missing so far and in his defense he was running late. Mom saw me sitting alone and waved me over. I smiled and walked to where they were standing

"I see my son's not here yet" Elena said smiling at me

"No he's not"

My aunt called my Mom so she left the two of us alone. Once Mom was out of earshot Elena continued "How are things going between the two of you?"

"So far so good"

She looked at me as if thinking through something "The last time we talked at the apartment we were interrupted"

Ah how could I forget that very uncomfortable situation

"At that point in time Kevin and I were not on the best of terms. I made the mistake of voicing out my opinions on your relationship and he wasn't very happy with them. Let's just say that I had your best interest at heart but he didn't see it that way"

"And what was it that you said?"

"Honestly I didn't feel that he was ready for a relationship and I didn't want to see any of you hurt at the end of the day. As I said, I had your best interest at heart but it seems I was wrong" she took a deep breath and continued "Kevin has a passion for what he does and sometimes it will be hard for him. Be patient with him and try by all means to get him to talk about his work, to help him get things off his chest. I know they have therapists for that but sometimes it feels good to open up to someone other than the local shrink. He'll work late, get called in at awkward hours. He won't want to but he might miss birthdays and sometimes forget anniversaries because he got too caught up with work. Yours won't be an easy relationship but I want you to know that you can talk to me when you need someone to talk to" she smiled

I was touched by Elena's words and her willingness to be there if I ever needed her to be. The good part was that Kevin was a little more open with me now. He talked to me about what was bothering him and I voiced out my opinions. When I couldn't say anything meaningful, I just listened and it was enough for him. It showed that he was willing to do whatever he could to make sure our relationship worked.

I reached over and hugged her "Thanks"

She hugged me and rubbed my back "Anytime"

We pulled at apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

"It's good to see two of my three favourite women in the world getting along"

"You finally made it" Elena hugged Kevin and gave him a kiss on the cheek "If you two need me I'll be over there" she said pointing to where some of my aunts were standing

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