~Chapter 17~

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Rei P.O.V

I looked at the moon above, it was beautiful. Its been a long time since I've seen it like this, "You nervous?" I turned and scoffed, "Like you'd care if I was". 

"True" he sipped his whiskey and I refocused my attention on the moon, "Don't fuck up"I pulled my hand behind me and flipped him off and he chuckled. 

"If you lay a hand on her when I bring her back, I promise I'll kill you" I sibilated, "And if you betray me, I'll kill him" I recoiled at the mention of Aizawa.

 "We're at an agreement then" I shifted and saluted him before snapping both my fingers, with that I was back. 

Before her murder, I walked into the living room of that shitty apartment I was born in, Giran shoved my mother onto the ground and kicked her a couple times for good measure before walking off to get a drink.

 I breathed carefully and knelt beside her, "H-huh" Once I had contact with her skin she was able to see me. Before she screamed I covered her mouth, "Mom, it's me" I murmured and her eyes enlarged. 

I helped her up and watched her blood drip onto the brown carpet, "How?" she demanded, "My quirk" I responded wiping her face. 

"Look how much you've grown" She covered her mouth to cry, "I have to get you out of here" I put her arm around me and was about to walk when she grasped my cheek.

 "You can't" her voice cracked, "Why?" I whispered, "Won't this change your future?" I regarded how much we looked alike, "I don't care" I tried moving her but she stayed in place. 

"Tell me, before we make this decision. What has happened, tell me everything" I looked around frantically, "But Giran-" She shook her head. 

"He's hurt me worse, this is nothing" she was such a strong woman, "Mom I have to ask, why did you stay with him?" I watch her point on the couch.

 We sit and she puts her hands on my knees, "Rei, my baby girl" she grips harder and I can't believe my beautiful mother is before me.

 "I was in love, I was a young girl who was working as a prostitute to pay rent. He was kind to me, we found out I was pregnant with you and that's when he joined the league of villains" My mouth went dry, "I was going to get rid of you..." she trailed off and her tears landed on my knee, "But when you born I couldn't help but fall in love" she wiped her face. 

"I stayed because if anything happened he would gain custody of you, he had funds and I was poor" She stared at me in the eyes and that's when I broke. 

"I have to stay rei, so I can watch you grow", "Mom... You don't watch me grow" I say with a hushed voice, "What?" she placed her hands on her chest. "He kills you, Mom, he kills you in front of me. I have watched you die thousands of time, It plays on loop" I cried and my tears pour out of my blue eyes, "I can't watch him kill you again!" I scream.

 ''Rei." She gripped my face and gives me the biggest smile, "If my death caused you to find a better life, then I will die a thousand times over" I winced, "But-" she shook her head, "Rei, did you make something of yourself?".

 "I found a new father, he raised me to be kind, Mama. He loves me, I also met someone..." I looked away and she gave a small giggle, "The ruthless little rei, found someone to love"I give her a small grin.

 "Mom, I've trained for so long in order to bring you back" I grasped onto her wrists, "Rei, if I am to die, then fate decides it not you or anyone else can change it".

 "Mom..." I paused and she kisses my cheek, "Be happy Rei, Don't let anyone stop you. Chase what you love, don't do what I did and settle." I hugged her tightly and wept in her arms, "I love you rei" she stroked my short hair, "And I love you... mom" I didn't want to let go. 

I wanted to be in my mother's arms forever, she began slipping away as if fading into dust and I kept gripping onto her tighter until everything was black. 

I snapped my fingers and i opened my eyes to see Giran standing on the rooftop as if no time had passed, "That was fast" he announced through his cup. 

I wiped my eyes to see no tears, "Where is she?" he asks a little roughly, "She decided to die after all" I replied and he gripped my shirt. 

"Your job was to bring her back-" I slapped his hand off me and grabbed his cup and threw it over the edge of the roof. 

"You didn't even love her, why do you want her back huh?" I started pushing him towards the edge of the roof, "Now rei" he held his hands up and I felt my eyes watering, "You fucking killed my mother and you felt no remorse. She loved you, I don't know what she saw in you but she adored you" I practically yelled through a cracked voice. 

"I hate you more than anything in this world" I lift my head up and stare at the moon before slowly pushing him closer to the edge, "Rei, I am your father". 

"Sperm donors aren't fathers, in my opinion, they stick their dick somewhere and expect whatever comes from it to obey and respect them no matter how much pain they cause" I spit in his face, "You wanted mom to be brought back so you could use her as leverage to make me do whatever you wanted right?" His face went from a scared expression to a shocked one.

 "Didn't expect me to figure it out?" He struggled to push my hand off him but his feet slowly reached the edge, "If you kill me, you will be just like me" he states.

 "Guess I'm daddy's girl then" I let go of him and he fell, I collapsed to the roof and breathed heavily.

 I wiped my face and decided it was time to go home, to Aizawa. 


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