Part 7

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They walked out of the bar into the night together and she was lecturing him about something he played, making Yoongi roll his eyes.

"I cannot believe you disrespected that sonata like that!" She insisted, talking with her hands. His own hands were shoved deeply in his pockets, his fingers exhausted from the long shift.

"I don't even remember playing that sonata honestly," he shrugged. "Sometimes I just zone out at the piano."

"Well, you played it in the wrong key, so that makes sense," she said, sounding annoyed. He didn't reply and she huffed as they walked on in silence.

"You off tomorrow?" He asked as they neared the station. She nodded. "Do you have the sheet music for that sonata?" He asked and she nodded again, frowning at him. He glanced at his watch and then back at her. "You gonna be up for a bit?"

"Are you inviting yourself to come look at sheet music at my apartment right now?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Yep," he replied, walking ahead of her into the train station. She sighed and rolled her eyes but didn't protest as she stomped after him. They rode the few stops in silence and walked the couple blocks from the station to her apartment. She paused outside the door and glanced at him over her shoulder.

"I haven't had a chance to get totally unpacked yet so...don't judge me," she said. He just snorted in response as she opened the door. He was hit with a wave of her scent as the door opened inward and she stepped inside kicking off her shoes. He followed suit and looked around in amazement. His apartment was neat and modern, not really decorated and not really comfortable. Hers was the opposite.

It was large for a studio, but essentially one big room all the same. There were colors everywhere, a modern looking four poster bed was at one end with several bright mismatched pillows and blankets strewn across it, billowy white curtains hanging from the top of the frame, paintings and wall hangings leaning against the wall, not yet hung in their intended places from the move. In the middle of the room there was a low rectangular table with floor cushions strewn around it and several books, candles, notepads and empty mugs on the surface. She shuffled over and collected the mugs from it, taking them to the kitchenette. She pulled out two fresh mugs and put on a kettle for tea as he shuffled into the room. Against one wall was a massive bookshelf that was mostly empty at the moment save for a few books and other assorted items and had several unpacked boxes stacked on the floor around it. On the other wall there was an old, beat up looking upright piano. It had been painted white a long time ago and the wear on it showed. There were several potted plants lined up across the top of it and his eyes fell to the sheet music keeper next to it, painted a matching white. He opened it and began poking around, looking for the sonata they had been talking about earlier. The music seemed to be organized by composer though, and he couldn't remember who it was so he gave up, returning to glancing around the room again. His eyes fell to her in the kitchen area, her mostly black outfit contrasting starkly with the room's bohemian decor, but her purple hair looking right at home.

"Do you want honey?" She asked, glancing at him over her shoulder. He didn't drink a lot of tea, so he shrugged, and she smiled, stirring some honey into both cups. She sat the mugs down on the table and he sank down onto a cushion, pulling a steaming mug toward himself. She rifled thought the sheet music holder and dug out the piece they had been discussing, pushing some books aside to slap the music down on the table in front of him, tapping the key signature. "You played it in E minor," she said, plopping down on a cushion and sipping her tea.

"Did I?" He mused, looking the music over. He flipped through it, rising slowly and moving to sit at the piano. He played a couple of bars in the correct key, then started over in E minor. He shrugged and turned around on the bench facing her. "I like it better in E minor." She set her mug down hard, opening her mouth in anger. He couldn't help but laugh at her expression, making her frown even deeper.

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