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scene is at the house. Till stated otherwise.)


Kai POV:

I wake up in my room after my nap. Feeling quite zombied I stretch. After a while I just lay down on my bed. Enjoying the silence. I then realize its a bit too quite. As I get up to check if perhaps I murdered them all in my sleep as promised. I put my two feet down and I turn to my ringing phone.

Baby you deserve a song. Yeah ,yeah, yeah.


"Ah, Kai your awake. Get Sehun and meet us at the restaurant. I'll text you the address. Meet us there."

"Er...who's speaking?"

"Aiya! Pabo! It's Baekhyung!"

"Oh! Beakhunnie. Okay sure. We will be there. Sorry I just got up."

"Aish. This kid..anyway. just be there."

New notification: message from Baekhyung hyung.

So Sehun is home eh. Well might as well shower and get dress... sighing I decide to grab a muscle tee and jeans with sneakers. Keeping it casual.. I go to get Sehun. I can't help but wonder what he did all day. It's already 12, knowing him he probably just gamed the entire day. I walk to his room and knocked once. He never answer. So I walked in. Hand on the silver door knob. I take pleasure in it's cold as I turn the door opening it slightly with my head down.

"Dammit Kai-ah!"

I freeze on the spot. If he was awake why didn't he respond?

"Ah sorry Hun I"

I look up at him to find him asleep. I quietly walk over too him. Of course he would be sleep talking. His so typical. But his dreaming of me? I shake the thought off and walk up to him.

I look down at him. He's sweating lightly. Just his forhead his hair is stuck slightly. His clothes are sticking to his body showing his well define figure. I swallow hard. His shirt picks up at his hips and I see his v-line a bit. I bite my lip. Wanting so bad to touch him. I resist the sudden impulse.

I turn my head to his face. Swiping some hair of his face. I trace his bottom lip with my thumb. Unable to stop my hands. I trace his jaw. I can smell his perfume and I lean in to get a more clear smell. I inhale his secent and press my forhead to his shoulder. I rub his cheek a bit and press a light kiss to his neck.

"Ah K-kai"

I decided I love hearing that sound and wanted more. I was greedy for it, for him. I kissed his neck again and went a bit further up. I took the soft pale skin in between my teeth and bit it softly. After I sucked on it lightly to ease the pain. Enjoying running my hand on his side gripping him light.

"I- ah wow Kai!"

After hearing that I snap out of what ever trans I was in and jolt back landing on my ass. I curse sighly. What the hell did I just do to my best friend. I quickly check his neck to see if I left any marks.

Shortly after he wakes up panting. I stay still. Hoping he doesn't notice me. After a while my brain kicks into gear.

"Took you long enough" I say to him. He screams and jumps back. Panting.


He says in between pants.

"I've been trying to wake you up. Go shower and change. We need to meet the guys. They want to go out to a restaurant all together to celebrate. You okay? You not looking so good"

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