Chapter 31: THE STORM.

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Sehun POV:

I chased Beakhyun hyung while continuously calling his name out. He finally stops at a near park by us and stares. Panting heavily when I reach him. I watch tears roll down.

Pulling him into a hug as he sobs. He tightens his grip burying his face in my neck.


"Shh its okay hyung" I whisper. Furious at chen hyung. That idiot. When his sniffling we quitens we walk to his favorite ice cream place. Ordering chocolate for me and bubblegum for him.

Silence surrounds us. Its nor awkward or uncomfortable. Its just sad. You can practically hear hyungs thinking and his heart breaking. I groan banging my head on the table.

He jumps and gives me an amused look. The tiniest smirk on his face.

"Hyung stop you doing it again. "
I whine. He looks taken aback and gives a small smile. Nodding. He perks up just the slightest when the ice-cream is set down.  I immediately dig stuffing my cheeks with the cold substance while he shakes his head perfering the more civil way of having a spoon at a time.

"You know you brought me here the first time when chanyoel had just dumped me.. So many years ago and still nothing has changed."

He whispers just enough for me to hear playing with the ice-cream. Shoving in his spoon in and out. I sigh. Sitting up a little straigher. 

"Your wrong a lot has changed."

He looks up nodding. A smirk appearing on his lips and I frown.

"Your right. Like you and kai are no longer virgins." He says and I choke. Knee hitting the table at his statement.

"Beakhyun hyung!" I shout mortified at him grabbing a few stares while he laughs whole heartedly.

We chat for a bit till we see. Figure at the concer of our eyes taking a seat. Im full on ready to throw punches till we notice chanyoel hyung and his strawberry ice cream.

Handing us an extra large mint bowl having noticed ours are over I dig in once again. Savoring the mint pieces and moan while the two shake there heads.

Coughing with the slight red tint on my cheeks I mutter a small thanks to which chanyoel pinches my cheeks.

I watch in silence as chanyoel interlinks his fingers with Beakhyun.  Turning my eyes away I strike a conversation about work and as If on cue a message from jongin comes through (I have a special notification)  and see he reminds us we only have a few mins. Sighing I let the other two know and they nod. We chat about everything and nothing in particular.

When we eventually do leave. Chanyoel has his arm protectively around beaks waist. I give a side glance at how perfect the two look. I smile walking on ahead leaving them some time to each other.

When we eventually arrive at the studio I take leave first to our sections hugging beak. Kissing his cheek with a small 'your be fine eomma.' He laughs nodding.

I turn by the coner waiting for chanyoel. I watch as they talk and chanyoel concerned face never easing up.  Beakhyung just keeps nodding until finally chanyoel kisses him full on the lips. Its almost comical how his eyes widen and he gasp. Chanyoel sezes that moment to slip his Tongue in. His hand moves to grip his waist.  Beakhyun holds him with shaking hands as chanyoel grips his hair tilting it back kissing him deeper. My jaw drops because one that's fucking hot and two it reminds me jongin having his way with me.

When they part. Beakhyun is a little dazed and both parties with lips that are swallon.  Oh fuck jongdae hyung is gonna be pissed..

Chanyoel walks off after a kiss to the forhead all of which hyung is quick to retreat inside. When chanyoel hyung closes my mouth he grabs my hand pulling me along to our room while I'm still dazed...

THE MAKNAE'S UNTOLD LOVE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ