Chapter 28:baby its you,me and the cat.

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It's Friday. The week passed relatively fast for the members.
Kai is beaming. Kris finally got a moment to call him after a jam packed schedule and not contacting him for four days.

"So...How was the date?" Kris ask on the other side of the line. Kai is sure the latter is smirking if his  voice is anything to go by.

"Was perfect. He enjoyed his time from what I could tell,plus we kissed under the stars. Your cliche movie date I suppose" kai mutters unable to suppress the smile threating to break his face.

Honestly words could never portray what he feels. His head is up in the clouds and his feet feel light. Sky's are brighter and the grass is greener. Man oh man not to mention the food is much more sweeter.

Yup your classic movie dork. His in love and now he's simply waiting for a chance to confess it to the younger.

"So like have you perharps, I don't know maybe heard from Tao?" Kai touches the subject gently knowing the gaint Dragon will explode any time when Tao is involved.

"Actually the brat spoke with me a week back last. He's filming at the moment. New music track to be released so I quote. I'm busy yifan. Chat when I'm not. Good luck also stop bloody spamming my whatsapp" he gruts out bitterly on the other line.

Kai whinces. He knows things haven't been so hot between the two recently. Zhoumi has been more involved in taozi life and well....let's say yifan is taking it with a slice of lemon in his jin and tonic. Is understatement of the year.

The guy is a whole fucking lemon. His pissed off and bitter about the situation.  Kai could only sigh having hear the others responds.

"I see. Well I'll ask sehun about him. I got to get going hyung. See you in the afternoon south Korea time." Kai bids fairwell with some aegyo and Kris can only coo at the others cuteness.

After the extremely awesome but awkward conversation kai rushed down the steps. Taking it two at a time with loud 'thuds'.

He hears bickering and comes face to face with kyungsoo and chanyoel arguing. Having caught sight of jongin they abruptly stop and give a tight smile.

Jongin stands there awkwardly. Left foot rubbing the other ankle in sign of unease. Chanyoel sighs and kyungsoo only glares.

"If you so bloody unhappy then leave. No better yet I will" he shouts putting his shoes on and walks out not before hearing chanyoel yelling right back.

"Right cause you so damn good at that!"

Chanyoel voice booms through the house. His brows furrowed and laboured breath. The other has simply gone too far this time and he had enough. The constant cold shoulder and balent avoiding. He did nothing for fuck sake so what the fuck is all this.

The other is unquestionably just being shady, and he's sick of it. He can't handle another night of reaching out only to feel at 2 am his lover in another room or on the couch.

Sighing he places his head in his hands. Eyes closes,eyebrows furrowed laboured breathing falling on the seat behind him. Resting his arms on his muscular thighs. Thoughts of the past week's flooding his mind and then...

The first tear falls and his heart constrict. He is unable to believe this is happening. After all this time he thought the other have forget apparently not.

He looks up after feeling a warm hand on his shoulder and is met with chocolate brown eyes. Wide, panic and concerned. He smiles despite himself. Standing up he completely forgot all about the others precents being so lost in thought.

Squeezing jongin shoulder he turns and leaves stopping when his being called.

"Hyung" jongin says softly. Chanyoel turns and smile sadly and nods.

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