How to Survive

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Hana's POV

The sound of the waves crashing and water washing up on the sandy beach. The sun starting to peak over the horizon, what a peaceful way to wake up even though there is sand all over myself and in places I couldn't even imagine. So I walked to the public restroom to be staring back at a Frankenstein girl version of me. My hair was sticking out like static and sand was now embedded in my scalp. I dug through my bag for my brush to tame the wild beast staring back at me through the mirror.

Once I looked presentable to the public, I started to walk around the island watching all the shops, stores, and restaurants getting ready to open. Such a peaceful autumn morning to the start of my freedom. My new start on Jeju Island. After I left YoungBae's house, I ran straight to the train station just riding till the end of the line. Who would have thought the end of the line would be on a ferry ride to the island. I thought about leaving again somewhere else but seeing the beach and the calming water is what made me want to stay. So I slept on the beach for just a few hours so no one would see a small child alone on the beach. I know the dangers of child runaways but I think I will least until I'm 18 and a legal adult.

With all the restaurants opening and steam of freshly cooked food running it's delicious odor up my nose made my stomach roar and surprisingly loud too. I counted what I had left and I remembered how I need to save everything I have. So I went to a snack bar and just got a few things. The shopkeeper was an older woman and very kind. She even offered to pay half my stuff but I couldn't allow that.

But day after day I went to the same snack bar to where I met the same shopkeeper and her younger son. The sweet shopkeeper finally asked about my family and where they are. I somehow always avoided her questions until now.

    "Hun, you've been coming here the same time every day for a month wearing the same clothes. You also look hungry. Where are your, parents?"

I started to cry because I was confused about what to say. Fear then started to kick in who this woman really was and if she just wanted to help, would she send me back?

    "I don't know," I whispered.

    "Maybe we should go to the police. There might be a missing person report for-"

    "No cops! Please!"

She seemed taken back from my outburst.

    "Are you in trouble sweetie?"

    "Not in particular. Just trying to live day by day until I figure things out I guess."

She seemed to be thinking while having a silent conversation with her son across the store.

    "Well we don't have much but maybe you'd like to stay for dinner tonight and a warm bed tonight?"

I started backing out the store. She seemed likes sweet lady and staring into her eyes where she meant no harm. So then she lifted her hands.

    "Just an option. I mean no harm. I just hate seeing you struggling to find food and probably haven't even had a nice bath in a while. I mean you're just a child."

My shoulders slumped then just too tired to fight. A real bed and food tonight did sound nice.


    "May I ask your name hun? I've known you all this time and never found out your name."

    "Hana. Just Hana."

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