Chapter One: Floorboards

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"You told me everything eventually works out. That's what I'll keep telling myself."

I'm awaken by the sounds of my younger siblings, rampaging through the house. Typical. Even on a Saturday. My parents have probably left already. They're Baltimore's top lawyers who happen to take cases nonstop. They're always working, leaving me in charge of the brats.


Third broken lamp in one month. Fantastic. I finally get up and make my way downstairs to see the damages this time. I was wrong, it was a snowglobe my dad brought home from one of his trips.

"She did it!"

"No he did it!"

My twin sibs, Auggie and Alexa, play the blame game. I let them bicker while I clean up their mess. Getting real tired of their shizz. I make my way upstairs to get ready for the day and possibly work on my music. Your typical black skinnys, red plaid top, and black Toms are today's #OOTD. As I'm styling my hair to it's usual state I hear the front door open.

"We're home."

They're home early. Spooky.

We decide to have a cookout to enjoy this fine summer day. We chow down and enjoy until my dad makes an announcement that upsets my stomach.

"Guys, I have great news!" he starts.

"Your mother and I have planned this out for quite some time and have finally decided to move out to San Jose! We made it possible to move our firm so we can take on more serious cases out west. Plus, be closer to your brother Dalton's naval base. It's a win-win!"

The twins cheered and my mom was very please with this decision. Once I finally managed to piece this together, I finally spoke..

"Excuse me?!"

*3 weeks later*

We managed to pack up our things in a short amount of time. I really won't miss Baltimore, except my best (and only) friend, Adri. Everything else was basically a dud and irrelevant. I really wasn't everyone's favorite in school. They all thought I was a rich snob cause of my parents' career. Not to mention my brother being in the military. None of that money was mine though. It all went to my trust fund and medical bills. I suffered from anemia for quite some time (and still do). I was just your average teenage girl. Sort of.

We made it to the airport and were ready to board. I chose a seat away from my family to have a bit of space from them. Plus, I was still mad at my folks for the sudden news. I had a window seat and decided to put my headphones on and listen to my tunes on my laptop. I was zoning out until someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and focused my vision to see a very cute guy sitting next to me with stunning blue eyes.

"Sorry to bug you, but do you have a laptop charger I can use? Accidently forgot mine." he shyly smiles.

As soon as I compose myself I lent him my charger.

"Thanks. I'm Johnnie by the way."

"There's no point to the floorboards in my house. Nothing feels right."


A/N If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

So yea, Chapter one. Woo~~ Sorry if this is a bit boring or whatever, but I wanted to give background info before we jump into the good stuff. Tell me what you think. Give me suggestions and I'll be sure to include them in future chapters. I'll be sure to upload tomorrow. Thanks for reading. KBYE!

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