Ever Enough

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"No I'm never gonna leave you darling. No I'm never gonna go regardless. Everything inside of me is living in your heartbeat. Even when all the lights are fading. Even then, if your hope was shaking I'm here holding on."

After a night in the hospital, the doctor gave me the okay to go home. I won't get any results until after a few weeks, but for now she prescribed me to a new medication. Hopefully it helps. I haven't talked to Johnnie since our fight, I'm still feeling bad about it. More importantly mad, cause he just left when I needed him most. I'm not really sure where we stand now. Dalton had to go back to base, so my parents picked me up from the hospital. My dad actually showed up this time. The doctor recommended that I stay home for the remainder of the week and return to school after holiday break. I didn't mind, I really didn't want anyone asking me what happened...or see Johnnie. Once we got home, I immediately went to my room and took a nap. I was really tired. I had trouble sleeping last night, the usual nightmares. Finally I get to sleep.

"Skye, honey. Wake up."

My mom is lightly shaking my shoulder. Why mom?! I just want to sleep!

"You have a visitor."

I slowly turn around to see who it is. It's Johnnie. What the hell! My parents don't know that we had a fight. I look a mess! No wait, forcus. I'm still mad at him! I pull the blanket over my head and hide.

"I'll leave you two to talk. No funny business okay? Skye, I'm going back to the office to meet up with you father. I'll see you later."

"I'll make sure she's okay." Johnnie says.

Don't be fake, Johnnie. You left me alone at the hospital, upset. I hear the door close. We're alone now. I feel Johnnie sit on my bed. We sit in silence for what seems like an eternity.

"Skye. Look at me." He says softly.

"Why? So you can just break up with me and leave me alone again?"

"I'm not breaking up with you. Just want to talk."

"But...I look a mess!" I say still under my blanket.

He softly giggles and places his hand on my shoulder.

"You look beautiful all the time. Now look at me."

I finally get out from under my blanket. Not because he told me to, but because I was running out of oxygen under there. I'm now sitting up, face to face with him. I missed his face.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for being a real..."

"Jerk? Asshole?" I finish his sentence, clearly still upset.

"Sure. I don't blame you for being mad. I just...was upset that you kept this from me. Like, I don't know what more you're hiding from me. It's like you don't want to let me in your life, like you don't want me around."

"That's not true Johnnie! You're the best thing that's happened to me." I reach for his hand. "I just didn't know how to tell you. I guess I was scared. Scared that you'll think I'm a mess, more of a mess than I already am. I-I'm sorry."

He strokes the top of my hand with his thumb. "I would never think any different of you. Never did, never will. You know that."

"I know. Guess I'm still trying to get use to the fact that someone as amazing as you likes someone like me. I feel...like this is some sort of dream. A beautiful dream that I never want to end."

He lightly laughs. "You're amazing Skye. And I'm the lucky one to have someone like you in my life." He smiles.

We sit in silence for a while, until I feel his arm wrap around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Let's just start over. Promise to not keep anymore secrets from each other, okay?"

I lean my head on his shoulder and kiss his cheek. "Okay."

He slowly lifts my chin up and he kisses me. Slowly. Passionately. I mirror his every move, just enjoying our moment. Pouring our love to each other. He slowly leans over me and I fall to my bed, pulling him down with me. I wrap my arms around his back as he places his hands on my hips. I feel his hand slowly trying to get under my shirt, but I immediately pull his hand back up. I like Johnnie a lot and all, but now's not the time. I'm still feeling tired from my stay at the hospital. I guess he got the message and soon pulls away from me. We look into each other's eyes and smile. His dark blue eyes are so beautiful. I still can't believe he's mine.

"Well that was something, wasn't it?" He says as he kisses my forehead and lays next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I have your gift by the way." He pulls out something from his pocket. It's a small box. "It's an early Christmas gift, since you know, I'll be away."

I almost forgot that Johnnie was leaving in a few days to Nebraska. The thought of him being away the entire break sucks. Especially since I'll be in bed rest for a few days. I shake the small box, trying to guess what's inside.

"Just open it already!"

"Hold on, don't ruin the moment!" I tease.

I finally unwrap the box and open it. To my surprise there's a silver charm bracelet in it. It's beautiful! There's so many cute little charms hanging. A little skateboard, a guitar, a paintbrush, a music note, a slice of pizza, and my favorite, a little 'J' charm.

"Johnnie. I love it! I don't know what to say!" I feel myself tearing up. No one has ever gotten me something so thoughtful and amazing. "It's beautiful! Thank you Johnnie." I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

He takes the bracelet from me and puts it on my wrist.

"Whenever you feel alone, just look at the bracelet. And know that I'll always be here for you until the world explodes. I-I love you Skye." He smiles and lightly blushes.

He said it. I feel myself blush and am overwhelmed with joy. "I love you too."

I look at my bracelet again and admire its beauty. It's the most thoughtful item I own. I'll always have it on and always look at it while he's away. It's like I have a little piece of him with me and I love it!

We lay on my bed and cuddle for the rest of the night. Johnnie leaves in three days, I have to make the most of it. I decide to hold on to his gift until his last day before he leaves. Come to think of it, he got me two presents. I have to get him another gift! But what? What can I give to the guy I love the most? It has to be something really special....I GOT IT!

"I will always be yours for ever and more. For the push and the pull. I still drown in your love."


A/N: If you're reading this, you're AH-MAY-ZING!! <3

This is the part where I babble about random stuff, but instead I'm giving you a heads up:

After much convincing from my friend, I will be uploading a very special chapter next. And by special I mean...explicit content. Cause I mean, COME ON! What's a fanfic without a little bit of smut LOL xD

So be advised, if you do not wish to read it THEN DO NOT READ THE NEXT CHAPTER!! If you do wish to read, then well by all means go ahead xD

I will upload it maybe tomorrow, maybe later in the week, maybe next week? Who knows honestly, but it will be up! Soon ^-^

Anywho~~ THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS AND ETC!! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

With that said, BYE!! <3 (AND DONT FORGET TO SHARE!)

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