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"Manage me, I'm a mess. Turn a page, I'm a book half unread."

Hell is quite comfy once you've settled down. Johnnie decided to be my tour guide and helped me find my classes. Turns out we had most classes together. Except for Fine Arts and Creative Writing. I picked up my locker assignment sheet from the office and decided to look for it before lunch, with Johnnie's help of course. I'm glad I finally get to put Penny and my new books away.

"You know, it's pretty rare to meet girls who actually know how to skate."

"Well I am pretty rare." I say as I put Penny away.

"You skate?"

He shrugs. "Yea a bit, not an expert though."

"Well Johnnie, what are you an expert at?"

He takes a moment to think about it. We start walking.

"OH! I play guitar and do my vids of course. Entertaining millions!"

I can't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. I forgot he does this Youtube thing.

"I play guitar too." I say as we make our way inside the lunchroom.

"A girl who can skate, play guitar, and digs my kind of music. Anything else to add to the list?"

"I like to draw and write stuff." I smile.

"What kind of stuff?" he asks.

"Stuff, stuff." I say trying not to get into details.

He smiles.

"Well I would like to come over and have a guitar sesh with you one day. If you want of course."

I notice him blush a bit. Already inviting himself over, I see. Smooth.

"Maybe when I'm done packing. Maaaaybeee~."

"Maaaaybeee~ I can help."

I can't help it but chuckle a bit. He won't stop will he?

We had lunch in the courtyard, talking about music and guitars. His videos and his friend, Bryan, who helped him start his Youtube channel. My friend, Adri, who I missed terribly already. My parents and their boring job that caused us to move here. We talked about his older sister, Margaret, and I talked about Dalton on military duty. And yes, I even talked about Auggie and Alexa and their marvelous misadventures. We talked until lunch was over. Johnnie walked me to my last class, Fine Arts.

"Here we are, last stop." he says.

"Draw me something nice, will you?"

I smile. "As long as you make me something in woodshop."

"Deal. I'll catch ya later." he waves as he walks to his class.

I wave back and finally go inside the art room. For this class I decided to take a seat in the front. Art was my everything.

"Never seen you around before. You're new?"

A girl sitting next to me asks. She's dressed in all black with short dark red hair.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Baltimore." I say not trying to be awkward and anti-social.

"Home of Mr. Poe. NIce. Name's Blake, please to meet you."

"I'm Skye. And likewise." I actually remembered to introduce myself.

"Okay class, grab an easel and let's get to work."

I love my art class. Mr. Clarks is really laid back. He let us do our own thing while he talked about the curriculum for the year. Blake is really cool too. We talked about music, her dad being a musician in a local punk band, and her participating in junior art exhibitions. At the end of class, I parted ways with Blake and made my way to my locker. It's weird that I'm actually socializing and meeting new people (even if I just met two). Maybe this move was for the best. Maybe I can start fresh and actually live a better life. . .or accidently bump into someone. Back to reality, I lose balance and fall to the floor.

"Watch where you're going freak!"

Some tall blonde says as she picks up her book she dropped and walks away with her crowd. I hear them laughing. Spoke too soon,

I finally get up, embarrased, and make my way to my locker. This is the beginning of something tragic waiting to happen.

"I wanna feel weightless 'cause that would be enough."


A/N If you're reading this, you're awesome

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now