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"You just don't get it cause my past is haunting and I'm obsessed with all kinds of ugly. Looked down by society. Does anyone get me?"

Once I got inside I rushed upstairs. Luckily no one was home yet. I feel like I'm having a mini panic attack. I've always dealt with bullies back home. Not only cause I'm so called rich, but because I was always an outcast. I was always alone in school. My best friend Adri got sent to private school after she got into a fight, defending me back in grade 7. I still feel bad for that to this day. After Adri got transferred, the bullying got worse cause they knew I was alone. Whenever Adri and I hung out afterschool I wouldn't dare tell her about the bullying that went on during the day, no matter how much she asked. I couldn't bare her getting into anymore trouble cause of me. Even if she said she didn't care, I did. The bullying eventually caused me to self harm. One day, when I was alone in the bathroom with just my razor blade, I passed out, which never happened before. I thought I died. My brother Dalton found me and took me to the hospital. Turns out I was anemic and the loss of so much blood caused me to pass out. Not only did I have to take medicine for my anemia, but also medication the psychiatrist prescribed me. I was on suicide watch for a week after that. Medical bills piled up. That's where our money went. I always felt bad for that, especially for putting my parents through this. So in return, I stopped self harming and refused to use any of my family's money for material goods. Instead I started a trust fund to pay for university when the time came.

My phone buzzes. Text message from my mom.

*Going to be in the office all day with dad. Still setting up and we took our first case. Twins are at your Aunt Amy's house. Order a pizza for yourself. Hope you had a great day at school. See you later <3*

Well it has begun, constant work for my folks. Forgot my Aunt Amy lived in the area. At least I'm not in charge of the brats. My phone buzzes again. It's Johnnie.

*Bored out of my mind! Wanna hang?*

I smile at his message. Why do I keep smiling?

*As long as you know any awesome pizza places*

At least I'll have company tonight.

*Meet me at our spot in 10*

Our spot?! What even?

I go to 'our' spot 10 minutes later and he's already there.

"Hey you." he gives me a quick hug. I'm not used to all this hugging yet.

"Ready to eat the best pizza of your life?"

"It can be the worst pizza ever. I'm just hungry."

He laughs and leads the way to town.

OMG he wasn't kidding! This is the best pizza ever!

"So what do you think?"

"It's amaaazing!~"

He laughs. "Stick with me kid and I'll show you what you've been missing."

We continue eating and having a great time, up until she walked in.

"Oh hey freak." she says as she continues walking towards a booth in the back with her friends. Why me?

"Seems like you have a fan." Johnnie says.

"Not even. Who is she anyways? And what's her problem?"

"That's Clover. What's her problem? Her ego. Typical high schooler, thinking she's better than everyone else."

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن