A New Beginning

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"You left me, you left me brokenhearted. I really need a new beginning again. Now it's time to say goodbye"

Once I get home I notice some boxes in the living room. What the hell? I know we finished unpacking a while ago. What's with all the boxes? I go upstairs and find my mom in her room, holding a glass of wine. The only time she pulls out the wine is when my grandma's in town or something bad happens. And it looks like she's been crying.


She looks up to me, wiping her eyes. "Oh Skye, honey. You're home. How was school?"

Clearly there's something she's not telling me.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I sit next to her. She's quiet.

"It's...it's complicated."

"I think I can handle it." Believe me, I've dealt with it my whole life.

"Your father...he's leaving. We're getting a divorce."

I stand corrected, I can't handle it. I feel like I've just been hit by a freight train.

"You're old enough, Skye. And well I'm sure you have noticed your father and I bickering lately and him being gone more than usual."

I have noticed, but I pushed all that aside hoping it was nothing.

"Well it turns out your father...has been having an affair." She starts crying again. "With Layla."


"It's been going on for a while and well I found out while you were away. I caught them together at the office and kicked your father out. I couldn't bear to stay here so I went over to your Aunt Amy's until I could figure everything out. I'm sorry Skye."

I'm feeling sick to my stomach. And what's left of my heart is starting to ache. My parents have been together for 23 years, had 4 kids together, and for what? For it to be thrown away at my father's expense? How could he do that to us? How could he that to my mom? And with her! Out of all people! The lady that spawned the bitch that made my days hell and took Johnnie the minute we broke up. I am overcome with rage and hate, but I push those feelings aside. My mom is devastated and she needs comfort more than ever. I hug my mom and start tearing up. My mom has always been strong for us, and to see her in this state is painful to watch.

"So what's the plan mom?" I ask trying to figure out how we can pick up the pieces.

"Your father and I will be going through the divorce process. Our firm will be taken down of course. And well..." She stops herself.


"I'm sorry Skye. I-I can't be here anymore. Knowing your father is off with that woman across from us. We're selling the house. And we're going back to Baltimore."

Okay this is just a train wreck already. I'm being hit with all these news. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Go back home?

"Baltimore has always been home for us. I never wanted to leave home in the first place and right now moving back feels like the right choice. I won't force you to come along Skye. I'm sure you don't want to leave this life you have behind, especially Johnnie. The twins are coming with me of course, but the choice is yours."

I think about it. I did come here for a fresh start, but I really didn't start on the right foot. Sure I made new friends and life was pretty decent, but I fucked up the past week and being here doesn't seem right anymore.

"Just so you know, Johnnie and I aren't together anymore. We broke up." I finally confess.

"Aw honey, I'm sorry." She hugs me. "What happened? You two were so happy."

"It...it just wasn't working out I guess." I'm not up for telling her the truth. "But I'm okay mom, really."

And it was true. After what he did, I'm ready to move on. If I really want to start over, I have to start from the beginning. Trace back to my roots and go from there. I mean what more do I have here?

"I'm coming with you."

"Skye are you sure?"

"Yeah mom. I'm positive. When do we leave?"

"Next week. I was thinking until the end of the school year, but that's a month from now. And I don't think I can bear being here any longer."

Works for me. The sooner I'm gone, the better. Start fresh in a place I wanted to escape. I think I can do it. But first things first, I have some business to take care of.

"Seriously one week?! What about the end of the school year?" Nathan is shocked by the news.

I called Nathan, Seth, and Blake to meet me at the park so I can tell them the news.

"My mom doesn't want to be here any longer than a week. Plus she has a lot to do to start her own firm back home. And well school ends in a month so I won't really miss much."

"I don't blame your mom." Blake says. "I knew the Kyles were just up to no good from the getgo. A homewrecker and a bitch, like mother like daughter."

"Yeah, but can't you just stay until the end of the school year? It won't be the same without you." Seth says.

"I would but my mom needs me more than ever. I mean I can't just let her fly back on her own with the twins. I have to help her unpack and start over."

They all have sad looks on their faces. I hate to see them like this and leave them behind, but I pretty much have no choice. I can't just let my mom go on her own.

"We understand Skye." Blake finally speaks up. "Just don't forget about us. Keep in touch and we'll be sure to visit you." She smiles.

"Spring breaks and summer vacays in Baltimore!" Nathan adds.

"Of course! You guys are my best friends! I wouldn't forget you if I tried."

This is such a touching moment, I'm really going to miss them. I look up and see her walking alongside one of her friends. I am having a sentimental moment with my friends, but seeing her just reminded me of the rage and hatred I pushed aside earlier.

"Give me a sec guys." I get up and start to march up to her. Without giving it any thought, I grab Clover by the hair and throw her to the ground and start punching the shit out of her. Immediately, Seth and Nathan are by my side and pull me away from her. "FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOM CLOVER! YOU CAN BOTH ROT IN HELL!"

They pull me away from the scene and we make a run for it before Clover gets up and has a chance to fight back.

"You crazy mofo." Blake says once we catch up to her. "Feel better?"

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that!"

"All your words are covered by failing lies. Look me in the eyes and tell me you really loved me"


A/N: If you're reading this, you're all AH-MAY-ZING!!! <3

After being sick as hell and working crazy hours, I finally had the chance to upload another chapter! YAY!

So yea guys, this story is almost at 4K reads & over 200 votes which blows me away!! Thanks so much for all the love guys it really means a lot <3 Never did I imagine this story to get noticed and receive the positive feedback it has received since the beginning. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart <3 ^~^

Anywho, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though I keep hitting you guys with all these plot twists. Hope you all don't hate me <3

I will be back with another chapter next week! Maybe before Xmas, so be on the lookout for that!

With that said, you guys rock my socks! KBYE <3

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