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"Mistaken. Always second guessing. Underestimated. Look I'm still around"

It's December. The last week of school before we head out for the holiday break. I'm really not into the holiday spirit cause there's no snow (sucks). And I've been feeling sick, more than usual. It's probably just stress cause the holiday showcase is tomorrow. I have to present a piece for my creative writing class which sucks more than the fact that there is no snow. I still wish I didn't have to go through with this.

"Merry early Christmas!" Johnnie wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek.

"Johnnie!" I whine. "At least let me finish getting my stuff out of my locker!"

He lets go of me, letting me finish. I close my locker and turn to face him, giving him a quick kiss. He smiles.

"I made you something." He pulls out something from his backpack. It's a birdhouse. It's painted light blue and has little white stars painted around it.

"You actually made me a birdhouse? This is what, your 5th attempt?"

"HEY! Appreciate the C+ birdhouse! Or I'll just give it to a random hobo!"

I giggle and take the birdhouse, admiring his craftsmanship. "Johnnie I love it! I'll be sure to hang it on my balcony." I hug him. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, love. This is only your first gift. I'll give you your other gift before I leave."

For the holiday break, Johnnie has made plans to fly out to Nebraska to work on vids for his channel and help Bryan film his upcoming interviews. It sucks that he'll be away, but it's what he loves to do. His channel means everything to him and I have to support that. I just know for a fact that I'm going to miss him like crazy.

"You didn't have to Johnnie."

"But I want to." He smiles. "Let's get going, I'm hungry!"

After Johnnie and I went out to eat, I decide to go home to practice my piece for the showcase tomorrow. When I get home I notice that my mom and the twins are home.

"Hey Skye, how was your day?" My mom asks.

"It was alright. Why are you home so early?" It's weird for my mom to be home at this time. She's usually at the office til late. Especially on a Monday.

"Well your Aunt Amy went to Vegas this morning, so I had to pick up the twins from school. Plus, your father insisted that I'd come home to watch them and take it easy for a change. Your dad and Layla have everything under control."

That's a first, dad never tells mom to 'take it easy'. They're always working long hours together, even if one of them wasn't busy, they would always wait for each other.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something?" I take a seat next to her.

"Yeah of course." She stops what she's doing and closes her laptop.

"Are you and dad showing up tomorrow?"

I had already told them about the showcase tomorrow. They did promise to never miss one of my events, but I can never rely on them most of the times. They are known to break promises. I just don't want to be let down again.

"Of course, honey. I promised to show up and I wouldn't miss it." She smiles. "Though, I can't speak for your father that is. His head's been too caught up with work lately, but you can count on me."

Leave it to my dad to be the busy one. It doesn't surprise me, work has always been his excuse to bail on things. I mean, he did miss the twins' birth. I'll trust my mom this time. Unlike my dad, she's at least making an effort. I should give my mom a chance and let her in my life.

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin