Mystery Wall

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"I'll walk away, and I never plan on looking back. I'm safe, I've won, I've lived your life and now I want mine back."

Today we decided to take Johnnie to our favorite aquarium so he can vlog a bit. Adri got to see the part of Johnnie that I fell in love with, the careless, lovable dork. My careless, lovable dork. We let Johnnie film the sharks while Adri and I sat by a nearby bench. I was starting to feel a bit sick and had to take my medicine and rest a bit.

"Feeling alright Skye?" Adri asks.

"Yeah, just so much going on. Plus I had a long night."

"I'm sure you did." She winks at me.


"Nothing! Soooo he really has changed your life for the better huh?" She changes the topic.

"You have no idea. Everything feels right when I'm with him."

"I'm sure it does." She giggles.

"ADRI!" I whine.

"I'm joking! Anyways it's pretty obvious you two are head over heels for each other. I'm glad he makes you happy." She gives me a quick nudge.

"Okay so I think I have enough fish footage." Johnnie comes back and sits next to me.

"Had fun with the sharks?" Adri asks.

"They were okay. I was hoping I could see one eat a fish."

We both laugh.

"So what else is there to do around here?"

"Plenty. There's a mall not to far from here. They have an awesome vegan food stand. We could check that out." I say.

"Yeah okay, let's go! I'm starving!"

We all get up and start to make our way towards the exit.

"OMG do my eyes deceive me?!" I recognize that familiar voice. I turn around. "SKYE VELEZ! It's been ages!!"

It's of the bulles. I look to Adri who shakes her head, telling me not to worry and play along.

"Maya. What are you doing here?" Adri asks.

"Just enjoying the beautiful scenary, waiting for Brick to get off work."

"Brick is here too?" I finally manage to speak. Another bully. The worst one of them all.

"MHMM! Now Skye, how are you? How have you been? And who's your friend?" She turns to look at Johnnie.

"Fine. Great. And this is Johnnie, my boyfriend." I say.

"Your boyfriend? It's a pleasure to meet you Johnnie!" She smiles at him.

"Likewise." Johnnie says.

"Well Maya, this was nice and all but we have to get going now. Kbye." Adri says as she leads Johnnie and I toward the exit before she can say anything else.

"Friend of yours?" Johnnie asks once we're outside.

I look to Adri who once again shakes her head.

"You could say that. I'll explain later. Anways let's get going!" I take his hand and we follow Adri to the mall.

Okay, so maybe the mall wasn't such a great idea. After we got food and started walking one of Johnnie's fans recognized him and wanted to take a pic with him. Being the nice guy that he is, Johnnie couldn't refuse. Soon a swarm of his fans showed up and wanted to meet him. So our trip to the mall suddently became Johnnie's unexpected meetup. Adri and I say by the fountain, enjoying our smoothies, waiting for Johnnie to finish up. It's crazy how many of his fans showed up, but it's nice to see him like this. He hugs them, takes pics with them, and just gives them his undivided attention.

"They seem to be multiplying. Does this happen a lot back home?" Adri asks.

"I'm usually not with him when he has a meetup. Sure one or two stop us now and then when we're hanging out, but I've never seen this big of a crowd before."

We continue to watch Johnnie from a distance, waiting for him to finish.


Crap it's her again. Maya finds us and this time she's with Brick and Mantha.

"YOU SEE! I told you she was back!"

"You weren't lying! It's so great to see you again!" Mantha says sarcastically.

"What do you guys want?" Adri stands up.

"Relax Adrianna. We're not looking for any trouble." Brick says. "We're all mature now. We just wanted to see Skye...and her boyfriend."

I'm still sitting, not knowing what to say. Feeling sick.

"He's over there. With his admirers." Maya points to where Johnnie is.

"That's your boyfriend?" Brick says. "Pfft. C'mon Skye you can do better than that! I mean look at him!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BRICK!" I finally stand up, having enough of it.

"Woah, easy there Skye. I'm glad you grew a backbone while you were away. Reminds me of when you..."

"Let's just go Skye!" Adri pulls on my arm and we walk away.

"I'll see you around Skye!" Brick calls out as we walk towards Johnnie.

"Hey guys!" Johnnie waves at us once he sees us.

"Hey Johnnie we have to go. Skye is feeling a bit sick." Adri lies.

"What's wrong Skye? I thought you took your meds at the aquarium." Johnnie asks concerned.

"I don't know. Maybe I just need to lie down or something." I lie. I hate lying to him, but I don't want to tell him about what just happened.

"OMG YOU'RE JOHNNIE'S GIRLFRIEND!" A girl form the crowd call out. They all start whispering amoungst each other, making me feel awkward.

"Alright thugpugs! It was nice meeting all of you but I have to go now."

They all aww in disappointment as we walk towards the exit.

"Sorry I had to pull you away from your fans." I say once we're outside.

"Don't worry about it. I should be sorry for ditching you two." He wraps his arm around me. "Anything happen while I was away?"

Adri and I exchange looks, agreeing to forget the confronation. To keep Johnnie safe.


"Every single word you say, take them back and shove them down your throat. If you're looking for reasons to run, then run back home."


A/N: If you're reading this, I am still on Cloud 9 and never coming down!! Plus you're awesome! <3

Why am I on a cloud you say? CAUSE I MET JOHNNIE GUILBERT TODAY!!!! <3333

My cousin and I spotted him with BryanStars & Kyle David Hall near a gas station and we just had to meet them! It was so unexpected that I had no idea what to say but we had like a 20 minute convo while they waited for their ride! It was so surreal!! Like I wasn't seeing him thru a computer screen or pictures! I was literally talking to him! He was so sweet! They all were!! I can't contain my feels, but I'm going to stop rambling about it. I posted photos on my IG & twitter if anyone cares to see. Which I'm sure you don't xD

But anywho~ 2K READS?! You guys are incredible!! The support is amazing!! Seriously! The votes, the reads, your kinds words, EVERYTHING <3 THANK YOU!

Sorry about this chapter being a bit short & all, but I promise you something BIG is about to happen. Biggest WTF in my opinion xD And you will see what I'm talking about in the next chapter!

So I'm going back to my cloud and replay today's events in head like a werido~

And with that I say THANK YOU! KBYE <3 ^-^

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now