For Baltimore

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"Hot damn, look at me now I'm all caught up riding the high of my good luck, casually dropping a line designed to keep you next to me."

It's a week before spring break. Johnnie and I already have our flights booked to Baltimore. My dad of course wasn't too thrilled about me traveling to the other side of the country with just Johnnie. No adult supervision whatsoever. He eventually got over it though, after a huge arguement with my mom that is. They've been arguing a lot lately and it worries me. I hope that after I come back order will be restored at home.

"So what plans do you have Skye?" Seth asks me.

"Flying out to Baltimore with Johnnie. My best friend has been begging us to go visit so might as well.


"What do you mean you're not coming?!" Adri says.

Johnnie and I are on Skype with her, confirming plans for sping break.

"Well I usually go to Nebraska during my time off school. To work on my videos and whatever." Johnnie says.

"You can make videos here! Baltimore is way better than that cornfield state. Plus it's spring break! You should be taking a break from all that!"

"It's fine, really. You don't need me there. You and Skye should bond and stuff. Catch up, do girl things, or whatever."

At this point, I have decided to butt out of their back and forth discussion. I sat in the background just enjoying the show.

"Johnnie I swear if you don't come I will go over there and drag you here myself."

Adri has been wanting to meet Johnnie since I first mentioned him to her. And Adri was not going to take No for an answer. And after a 3 hour Skype call, Johnnie caved and agreed to go.


"How about you?" I ask, back to reality.

"Going to Portland with Nathan. He wants to check out colleges plus it's going to be our two year anniversary, great way to spend it if I don't say so myself."

Seth and I have been talking more now that he's no longer friends with Clover. Turns out he's the guy Nathan writes all the poems about. He's kept their relationship a secret in fear that people will think different of him if he came out, according to Clover that is. Now since he stopped hanging out with her, he finally built up the courage to come out and be in a normal relationship with Nathan. I'm happy for him. Johnnie isn't really to thrilled about our new found friendship since he and Seth had a bad run in after Clover broke up with him. Seth does plan to apologize to him, but who knows how that'll turn out.

"Aw that's so nice. I hope you two have a great time in Portland. You deserve it."

"Thanks Skye. Remember not to have too much fun with Johnnie." He winks at me.

-One Week Later-

Dalton gave Johnnie and I a ride to the airport early Sunday morning. My mom wasn't feeling to good and my dad had to take a trip to LA, alone. Which is good cause I really wasn't up for early morning lectures about the do's and don'ts from my parents. After what seemed to be a lifetime we finally landed in Baltimore. I had forgotten how chilly Baltimore was, I am freezing! Once we got our bags, Adri was waiting for us holding a big 'Welcome Back' sign. I drop my bags and rush to her to give her the biggest hug I could give. I missed her!



We finally pull away from out emotional reunion.

"Um, I think you forgot someone." Adri points behind me.


Johnnie is walking towards us, dragging his bags...and mine."

"You owe me for this." He sets our bags down. "You must be Adri." He smiles.

"And you must be the guy that stole my best friend's heart!" She hugs him tightly. "It's so good to finally meet you!" She pulls away from him. "We're going to have the best week ever!"

After our reunion, we go to Adri's house, where we will be staying. So Adri and I sort of lied to my parents about her parents being around during our stay. Turns out they went to Miami and we basically have the house to ourselves. I knew if I told my dad the truth he wouldn't even dare to send me off across the country, let alone with Johnnie.

"So you guys can have this room." Adri leads us to the guest room. "Get settle down, I'm goin to order some pizza." She closes the door behind her, leaving us alone.

"Well she's really nice." Johnnie says, taking off his red flannel.

"That's my Adri." I start unpacking some of my things.

"You know, meeting her finally, I'm glad she kept you company during you know." He's talking about the days I was bullied and Adri always having my back.

"Yeah. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have her in my life."

Johnnie sits next to me, twirling the ends of my hair. "Well let's just make this week a memorable one."

He places a hand on my cheek and pulls me in for a kiss. I shift onto his lap and place my hands in his hair, bringing him closer. I'll be sure to show him a memorable week.

After a day of catching up with Adri, eating Pizza, and watching Netflix, we decided to call it a day. Tomorrow we're going to show Johnnie around Baltimore. Plus he wants to vlog for his channel. We get to our bedroom and cuddle up next to each other, drifting off to sleep.

"Love you Johnnie." I kiss his cheek and snuggle up closer to him.

"Love you more Skye."

"I bet you never thought you would fall again. So much for keeping this just friends. Shut up and kiss me now, and we carry on."


A/N: If you're reading this, YOU'RE AWESOME!

1.5K reads?! You guys are seriously incredible! Thanks so much! <3

Going to be uploading another chapter either tomorrow or the day after, so be on the lookout for that!

And...that's it KBYE <3

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