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"I've got this beating in my chest, it tells me you're my only. I feel the rhythm in my wrist, it's fading out but slowly"

My morning goes by smoothly despite everyone giving me looks. I had forgotten about my little mishap before break. Plus it doesn't help that now I have to go to the nurse's office before lunch, meaning I have to leave class 10 minutes early. I grab my things, take a hall pass, and make my way to the nurse's office. I hate this. Especially the fact that everyone knows I'm 'sick'.

"How are you feeling today Skye?" The nurse asks once I walk inside.

"Fine. Haven't felt dizzy or anything."

"That's good to hear, just give me a second to get your medicine. You can have a seat on one of the beds."

She walks to the back and I sit on the bed.

"You sure you're feeling alright?"

Someone asks behind the curtain. I recognize that voice.

"Seth?" I open the curtain. He's laying on the bed reading a book. "What are you doing here?"

"Type one diabetes. Came to take some insulin. The usual."

I had no idea, I mean he looks healthy. Plus he's captain of the soccer team. Still don't know why he's talking to me.

"Well I'm okay, thanks." I answer his question.

"Okay Skye here's your medicine. You can relax for a bit if you want. Seth, you can get going to your next class." The nurse says.

"Later Skye." Seth gets up and walks out the nurse's office. Weird.

The day goes on and it's already the end of the day. I'm walking to my locker and I trip over someone's foot. Can you guess who stuck it out?

"Skye, are you passing out again?"

Clover says as her friends laugh at me.

THAT"S IT! I have too much on my plate already, I don't need her piling up my worries.

"Seriously don't you have anything better to do with your life?" I get up and walk up to her, now face to face. "Is your life so dull that you have to mess with me to be entertained?"

They all stand there shocked that I actually stood up for myself. Believe it or not, so am I.

"What did you just say?" Clover shouts. There's a small crowd forming around us.

"Wow for someone who's in honors, you're pretty slow. You heard me! Don't act stupid!"

"Listen you fucking freak don't get me started!" She shoves me against a locker.

"Clover that's enough!" Seth speaks up.

Clover and the rest of her friends turn to look at him.

"Excuse me?? Are you actually defending the freak?" Clover is pissed, forgetting I'm still standing there. Good because my arm is killing me.

"Don't you think you've had enough? Get over yourself already and leave her alone."

"Don't push me Seth! Unless you want me to expose something very personal." Clover crosses her arms, waiting for Seth's next move.

He chuckles. "You know what? Go ahead, I don't care anymore. Then again, if we're playing that game, then I'll just spill your secret."

Her friends gasp. "Don't you fucking dare! You wouldn't!" Clover shouts at him.

At this point Seth and Clover are having a stare down.

"You know what? It's whatever Clover. I've had enough." Seth turns around, walking away from the crowd. Then the crowd starts to leave.

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant