There, There

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"I know how it seems when I'm always staring off into nothing. I'm just lost in my head again."

I start gathering my stuff and grab Penny in attempt to leave without making a fool of myself again.

" You don't think you're actually leaving without me, right?"

It's Johnnie.

"Sorry, I thought you would've left by now." I say while walking out of the school, watching where I'm going, keeping my cool.

"Well, I thought maybe I could walk you home."

I stop in my tracks. This is weird, but I never walked home with a guy before. Not even when I dated my first boyfriend back then. He's irrelevant now. He stops and turns around, noticing I wasn't walking anymore.

"Sorry, I mean if you want to that is. No pressure. Just a thought."

I notice him blush a bit agian. It's kind of cute and I can't help but smile.

"Yeah, sure. I mean it's up to you. I don't want you to go through the trouble of walking me and then having to walk to your house."

Stupid to say, but I'm new to these things I guess. I don't know what to do in these situations. He stops and thinks to himself. Stroking the bottom of his chin.

"What direction is your house?" he finally asks.

I point to the direction of my house.

"Me too. What street you live on?"


He raises an eyebrow.

"Fancy, that's the street with all the big houses. You loaded?"

Crap. Is he on to me?

"Anyways, I live on Kaleton. It's two blocks to the left from your street. We can just split up on the corner of Allen and Northdale. Problem solved!" he smiles, forgetting the rich street I apparently live on.

Dodged a bullet there. I really didn't want anyone knowing I was "loaded". I just want to get by with high school.

"Hey Skye! You coming or what?"

I look up. He's already crossed the street. I quickly catch up to him and we start our journey home.

We talk a bit more on the way home. Mostly about my art class and his woodshop class. He started making me a birdhouse. We finally reach the corner he was talking about.

"Well Skye, I guess this is the part where we part ways and carry on with the rest of our lives."

"Guess it is, Johnnie. That is if we were both in a dramatic movie."

We both laugh.

"Before you go." He hands me his phone. "Save your number. You know so we can meet up in the morning and walk to school maybe?"

He slightly blushes.

Oh Johnnie and his blushing. I smile and save my number. I hand it back to him.

"Maybe." I smile at him

He smiles back. We stay quiet for a bit, just staring at each other. Okay, this is sort of getting awkward.

"Okay then!" he finally says breaking the silence and hugs me to my surprise.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger." he says.

I laugh. "See ya, Johnnie."

We finally part ways and go opposite directions.

It's funny, not too long ago he was just a stranger I met on a plane. Now, he's been nothing but a great friend/tour guide. It's weird, but I'm glad to actually have a friend to look forward to seeing in the morning. I'm glad I met Johnnie. I make my way to my front door and begin searching for my key in my bag.


I hear someone yell in the distance. I turn around and see the same blonde I bumped into at school. She's my neighbor!? Oh joy, this is just a rollercoaster of events today.

"I'm sorry I don't laugh at the right times. Is this what it feels like with my wings clipped? I'm awkward and nervous."


A/N If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

Question, should my chapters be longer? I feel like they're too short. No? Okay~

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the story so far (much poppunk lol). Thanks for reading and stuffs

Bonus chapter coming soon~


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