Bonus Chapter: Fix You

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"Tears come streaming down your face, I promise you I will learn from all my mistakes."

-Johnnie's POV-

"And done."

I just uploaded a new video on my channel after editing it right after school. Tweet sent, promoting my video. Now what? It's still pretty early. My mom's working late today, might as well take a walk and grab some food maybe.

I'm walking through the empty streets, listening to Never Shout Never. Can't Stand It starts playing...and Skye comes to mind. I really can't stop thinking about her. How can I? She's amazing. I walk in 7Eleven to buy some Chedder and Sour Cream chips, my favorite. Okay, I'm pretty bored now. I'll just text Skye, I hope we can hang out.

*I'm sooooo bored!! What you up to?*

I pay for the chips and walk outside. Skye replies.

*Unpacking. Unpacking. And more unpacking. Nothing too exciting.*

Maybe I can use this opportunity to hang out at her house. We continue texting until she finally caves and invites me over to help her unpack. Nailed it! She texts me her address. Crap, it's near 'her' house. I hope she doesn't see me. Not in the mood for any confrontations.

I finally make it to Skye's house and ring the doorbell. Nice house, should look nice inside too. She opens the door, she's wearing pajama bottoms, a plain white tee, and her hair in a ponytail. She looks beautiful.

"Did you run here or something?"

"Nah, I was already out, taking a walk. I brought chips!" I hold up the bags I bought not too long ago. I hope she eats these too. "So you gonna let me in or what?"

"OH! Right, come in and don't mind the mess."

There's boxes almost everywhere and furniture still wrapped up. She leads the way to her room. More boxes, she really does need help.

"Nice balcony." I say noticing probably the best part of her room. "I'm sure your room is gonna be fucking awesome once you're done unpacking. Plus you got me to help!"

I make her giggle. Even her laugh is cute.

"Make yourself useful and open the box behind you."

I open it to unveil her art supplies and sketch books. "Where do you want these?" I ask.

"Um, just leave the supplies in the box for now and put it under my desk. As for the books just set it on the desk." She orders.

"You think I can check out your drawings?" I ask. I've never seen any of her drawings before.

"Go ahead."

I open one of the books. Wow, she's really good. There's drawings of all sorts of things. Video game characters, anime, people, animals, there's a whole lot.

"Skye. This is incredible! You really are talented!"

I'm looking through the next book, it's filled with more drawings.

"Thanks. I try." She sits next to me eating some chips.

"This is trying? Dude seriously, you are one talented human being."

"Oh stop it you" She nudges my shoulder. "Thanks, it really means a lot."

She smiles and we just stare into each other's eyes for a moment. She's reall beautiful. I can't get over how talented she is. She's amazing. I want to kiss her, but...

"Now c'mon, we have more unpacking to do." She gets up and carries on with whatever she was doing.

...does she even like me that way?

After talking about almost everything she owns, we are close to finishing. She's putting away some clothes so I decide to open the last box. Inside is a panda pillow pet, which I put on her bed. I then discover a bunch of journals. I pick them up.

"Hey Skye, where do you want these?"

Maybe they're her music journals. She did say she writes a whole bunch of songs and poems, which is why she decided to take creative writing.

"Can I read?" I ask.

"NO!" She quickly rushes to me and snatches the journals. Something falls out of one of them, but she doesn't notice. Holy crap. It's a razor blade in a small plastic baggie. Is Skye a cutter? I can't seem to wrap my head around this. Why didn't she tell me? I quickly put the baggie in my pocket.

"Sorry Skye. I wasn't going to actually open them." I say. I'm overcome with sadness. The fact that she hurts herself...I wonder why. I remember when I used to do that, she must be really hurting if she does this.

"No, don't. I-I'm sorry for snapping like that. It's...just really private that's all. I mean if you want you could read this one." She hands me one of her journals.

"No, I get it. You don't want me to read it."

I do get it...I've been through it all. In that moment, I knew she needed my help...I want to help her.

We're sitting on Skye's floor, just watching a movie. I'm really not paying attention. My mind's been trying to figure out what would cause her to harm herself. She must have her reasons to do it. I should talk to her. But what if she hates me afterwards? Or doesn't want to talk to me again? No, stop thinking the worst, just talk to her.

"Can I ask you something Skye?"

"Yeah of course."

We ended up talking for a while. I told her about the time I became depressed. Luckily she doesn't hurt herself anymore. The pain in her eyes when I pulled out the razor blade says a lot though. I understand if she's not ready to tell me, but I wished I could've been there for her back then. No one deserves to be alone, no one should go through that much pain. And in that moment, I promised myself to always be there for her, to help her. Skye means so much to me and I wish I could tell her how I really feel, but now's not the right time. Right now, I want to mend her wounds, to let her know that everything will be alright. I'm walking home, listening to Have Faith In Me by A Day To Remember, a song that's helped me get by my tough times. I feel a tear escape my eye, remembering how hurt Skye looked. I'll never let her fall, mark my words.

"Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you."


A/N If you're reading this, I heart you <3

Another bonus chapter, YAY~~

So yeahs, I hope you enjoyed this short, quick chapter I wrote during work. I will be sure to upload another chapter tomorrow fer sure.

Thanks again for the 200+ reads so far, they truly mean alot. <3

My goal is to reach over 1,000 by the end of the story, so please share this story with others, I got lots in stored for you lovely readers.

And to all that have been reading since the very beginning, thank you <3

With that said, I'm going to start on the next chapter. KBYE!

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