Kiss Me Again

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"I gotta say something I've been thinking about. I can't wait to lay around with you. And tell you all the secrets I've been keeping to myself. It's been a while since I've felt butterflies, do you feel the same way too?"

We decided to take a nap after out heart to heart, being emotional is exhausting. I wake up and somehow my head ended up on Johnnie's chest. His hand, resting on my waist. How? I slowly shift out of his embrace to get comfortable without waking him up. I'm now sitting on his bed, just waiting for him to wake up. It's funny, I never admired his features before until now. His black hair is short, his bangs cover his forehead and styled in a way that makes him Johnnie. His lip piercings on the right side of his lip is what caught my attention when I met him. He is quite thin, but lean. Which is weird cause he eats a whole lot. He looks peaceful sleeping. Now that I actually looked at him, he is really cute. I can't help but smile. Johnnie yawns and stretches his arms out over his head, slowly opening his beautiful dark blue eyes. He smiles at me.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks with a sleepy voice.

"Not too long. Maybe like 10 minutes?"

He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Enjoyed the view?"


He chuckles. "I know you were watching m sleep you loser."

Crap. I feel myself blush.

"It's okay. I know I'm hot."

I giggle and smack his arm. "Oh shutup you prick. For your info I was not watching you." I lie.

"Keep telling yourself that." He winks at me and lays back down. "How's your knee by the way?"

I completely forgot that I busted my knee.

"It's better actually. Don't feel any pain. Thanks again."

"Your welcome." He smiles and pulls me back down on the bed.

We're both laying down staring at the ceiling. We lay in silence for a while, but it's a comfortable silence.

"So Skye. I told you a it's your turn."

What? Me tell him a secret? I don't think I can. Then again it won't be fair if I don't. He did just expose his entire history with Clover. I think long and hard. I've always kept my secrets locked away, only Adri knows my hidden secrets.

"Okay. Well truth family is loaded."

He turns to face me. "Um duh, Skye! It's pretty obvious." He laughs. "You really think I wouldn't notice? I mean for starters, your house is huge! How is that a secret?"

"Well back home a lot of people bullied me cause they thought I was some stuck up rich kid." I begin my story. "When my parents started their firm, money started piling in. We bought a new house, new cars, new everything. The whole neighborhood saw all these new things. The kids at my school...they started bullying me."

"I'm sorry Skye." Johnnie says. "You don't have to worry about being loaded here. Almost half the city is rich."

"I know, but telling people always freaked me out I guess. Cause of what happened. It all happened so fast."

He takes my hand and holds it. "Tell me another?"

"It's your turn!" I say trying to avoid telling another one.

"Skye, I told you two already. When I used to self harm and about Clover."

Damn, he's right.

"No pressure." he softly says.

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