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"I'll keep a moment sealed in time inside a picture frame, a small reminder of the days I thought would never change. They always say it's clear to see, how parts of you shine through in me"

Johnnie and I have been going out for about two weeks and everything's been beyond great. Being with Johnnie has helped me take my mind off Clover, which is such a stress reliever. When I told Adri, she went full blown mental and was nothing but supportive and happy for me. I was glad I had the support from my best friend. Tonight is my debut at the San Jose Junior Art Event. I did a painting of my brother Dalton, who is serving in the navy. I invited my family to the event, hoping they would show up. They said they'll be there, I just hope they keep their word.

"So Skye." Johnnie puts his arm around me as he walks me home. "We've been going out for like two weeks. Do you think today's the day you introduce me to your parents?"

I told Johnnie about my parents finding out I was hanging out with a guy, he had already known that I was keeping our friendship a secret from them. My dad has been bugging me about introducing him to the family, but how could I if he's never home. Plus, I really didn't want to. You see, when my parents found out, Johnnie was just a friend. Now he's my boyfriend, something I have yet to tell them. Johnnie thinks I should just tell them, to avoid anymore problems with my dad. Thinking about it gives me anxiety.

"Maybe. Depends if they'll even show up." I say. I'm trying to keep my expectations as low as possible.

"Hey." He turns to face me. "Don't worry, they'll show up. I mean this is a big deal. This could be like your big break or whatever. Don't stress it." He plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

I smile. Leave it to Johnnie to make everything better.

"I'll try. Now c'mon, I have to go get ready." I take his hand and we continue our walk.

Hours later, I'm still trying to figure out what to wear. I have Adri on Skype and Blake is sitting on my bed, painting her nails.

"C'mon Skye, you don't want to be late!" Adri says.

"I don't know about this outfit guys."

I called Blake earlier, telling her I had no idea what to wear. She then decided to bring over a few of her outfits. I had Blake and Adri vote on which one to wear, they both voted for the black corset dress and black heels.

"Skye I'm sure you'll look great. We really have to get going." Blakes says.

She's right. I didn't want her to be late at my expense.

"Okay I'm coming out." I open my bathroom door, revealing myself.

"OMG SKYE! You look gorgeous!" Adri is the first to say.

I put on black eyeliner and eyeshadow to match my outfit. Blake recommended red lipstick and a silver anchor necklace I had in my jewelry box.

"She's right SKye. You look great!" Blake says. "Johnnie is gonna lose it once he sees you." They both giggle.

"Haha very funny guys. Now let's go before I regret what I'm wearing and change to my pajamas."

I say my goodbyes to Adri and shut down my laptop. We get in Blake's car and drive to the community college gymnasium where the event will take place. We sign in and choose a spot to display our work.

"So now what?" I ask Blake.

"Well people start showing up, they talk amongst each other and observe the work. They may ask questions so be prepared for that. Judges will walk around and ask questions too. By the end of the night they hand out the awards. Plus, if you're lucky enough someone may buy your piece."

Feels Like Forever (A Johnnie Guilbert Fic)Where stories live. Discover now