Breaking Point

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"It's probably just the things I do that make me vital for you. There's a breaking point in us all."

It's only the beginning of the day and I already want to be far away from here. Having Johnnie in almost all my classes is awkward...and heartbreaking. How can he do this to me? Yeah I know I kept too many secrets and lied for the most part, but that doesn't mean he should get back with Clover!! The girl who broke his heart! Twice! We've only been broken up for three fucking days!

"Hey Skye. How was break?" Nathan and Seth sit next to me.

It's creative writing, the first class I don't have with Johnnie. And honestly I just want to use this period to try to mend my broken heart. I put my head down on the desk, really not up to talk about my terrible week. Someone starts patting my back.

"I saw them together Skye." Seth says. "It must have been a rough week and I'm sorry for whatever happened. I wish I could've stopped her."

I pick my head back up. "What do you mean?"

He takes a deep breath. "I'm sure you know the history between those two. Well, Clover was never over him. And when she saw the two of you together, it ignited something in her. She started plotting ways to take him away from you or find the perfect opportunity to get him back. She made me swore to keep it a secret. I should've told you."

"What was she planning to do?" I ask.

"Manipulate him. Like she's done before. She tried to manipulate him at the art show, the assembly, whenever you weren't around. I guess she did it when he came back too. I should've told you what she was planning."

She really is a bitch. Anything nice that ever happened to me, she would be there to just rain on my parade. I swear she's mental.

"Thanks for telling me this Seth. But Johnnie broke up with me cause I kept something from him for a long time. When he found out on his own, well he felt betrayed and dumped me. I guess Clover just took advantage of our fallout and Johnnie didn't even bother to hear my explanation before getting back with her." I start to feel sad again.

"Well screw him Skye." Nathan speaks up. "If he just left like that and went crawling to his ex, then it wasn't meant to be. It's his loss and one day he'll regret leaving you. You just have to be strong and strive for better."

As much as I hate the fact that I lost Johnnie, especially after everything we've been through, he's right. Why should I cry over someone who never really loved me? I mean he went back to Clover! Out of all people!

"I still want to talk to him though. Just to make everything right. I can't live with myself if I don't tell him the whole truth and apologize. Then we could carry on with our lives."

I feel like this is my chance to finally start over. By telling him the truth and facing my past, I'll be able to move forward. No more secrets, no more lies. But how? We've been avoiding each other and I doubt Clover would let me get near him after what Seth told me. I need to figure something out.

It's the end of the school day and I never got the chance to talk to Johnnie. Every class I had with him, he would sit on the opposite side of the room from me. Whenever class ended, he ws the first one out the door so I wouldn't talk to him. I hated this. I just wish everything was right between us. I grab my stuff out of my locker and make my way out the building. It's weird, I never walked home alone the entire time I've been here. Johnnie would always walk home with me since the very beginning. I put my headphones on and start walking, ignoring everything and everyone while listening to Get Scared. Everything is fine until something hits the back of my head. I turn around. For fucks sake it's Clover. And of course Johnnie is with her.

"Hey freak! How does it feel? Karma hitting you right in the face that is? Not only are you a freak but you're pathetic! What were you thinking? Trying to fuck your way to the top? Was that your plan? Well where are those 'friends' now? Is that why you left Baltimore in the first place? You're pathetic!"

Oh no he fucking didn't! He told her?! What the fucking hell! Okay, I was upset at first, but now I'm fueled with rage that I can't hold back any longer. I drop my things and march towards her, punching her right in the face, finally shutting her up. Something I wanted to do since day one.

"You motherfucker!" She grabs my hair and we start at it.

We're pulling each other's hair, blowing punches whenever we got the chance. Suddently someone grabs a hold of me and pulls me away. It's Seth with Blake right behind him. Johnnie grabs a hold of Clover.

"Fuck off Clover you desperate slut! You got your fucking puppet, just fuck off already!" Sells yells at her.

"Fuck you Seth!" Johnnie finally speaks up, still holding Clover back. He's really defending her?!


Our relationship was just a lie. Trust? Bullshit. He knew how much I hated Clover. How could he tell her something that almost caused me to kill myself? Johnnie is speechless. It kinda looks like he's hurt. I could careless.

"Let's go Skye before a teacher shows up." Blake says, leading Seth and I to her car.

Once inside her car, I break down in tears. Everything is crumbling to pieces. Now they know my past. I can never get away from it now. Seth pulls me into a hug and holds me.

"It's going to be okay Skye. Don't let them get to you, don't make them think you're weak. Be strong and prove them wrong. It'll all blow over soon."

I just hope he's right. I end up filling Seth in on everything on the car ride home. I know it's a part of my past, but I'm a different person now. I'm just hurt that Johnnie went on blabbling about it to Clover. He doesn't even know the whole truth! But fuck her and fuck him. I wish I can go back in time and fix everything. And maybe even stay in Baltimore. I wish I never moved here. Then again, I would've probably be dead if I stayed. I just wish none of this ever happened. Can anything get any worse?

"Take me away, away from here. Because everyday is turning into years. With every moment, I feel deeper and deeper. My heart's a sinking ship"


A/N: If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

I'm not going to stop saying this, but THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! For all the reads, votes, and your kind words so far <3 They truly mean a lot and I wish I could hug you all ^~^ <3

Anywho, I am so sorry that this story has become such a heartbreak tragedy D: I wish I could say it's going to get better, but I don't want to spoil anything! :x

But yea I have some things up my sleeve so stick around cause this story is coming to an end real quick *cries* and you don't want to miss a thing!

So yea let's all hold hands and hope for the best! xD With that said, thanks again for all the reads and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stuff


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