Something More

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"I lie awake again, my bodies feeling paralyzed. I can't remember when, I didn't live through this disguise"

"Skye? Skye, can you hear me?"

I feel sick. Where am I? And why does my head hurt? I open my eyes and stare at the flourescent lights. This isn't the auditorium. I start to slowly get up, but there's a needle attached to my arm holding me back. I'm at the hospital.

"Careful Skye. Lay back down and rest. We're just running some tests." A lady in scrubs tells me. She must be my nurse.

"What happened? Where's my family?"

"You fainted, darling. You were in school when you fainted on stage. Your family is in the other room."

I passed out on stage? Just great, I just made a fool of myself in front of the whole school.

"Your iron levels were very low, have you been taking you medication?"

I nod.

"Hmm, that's strange. I'll let the doctor know you're awake so she can check up on you." She starts to walk away.

"Can I see my family please?" I ask. I always hated being alone with doctors, especially if they had bad news for me. I always needed someone for moral support.

"I can only bring in one person. I'll see who's there." She walks away, closing the door behind her.

Moments later, Dalton walks in.

"Hey brat. How are you feeling?"

"Like crap. Where's mom? Did she go back to work?" It was an instinct to always assume she was at work.

"No dummy, she's trying to get a hold of dad. You got us really worried." He strokes the top of my head.

"Where's Johnnie?" I ask.

"He's in the other room, waiting. When you passed out, he got on stage to make sure you were okay. He was really worried."

I have yet to tell Johnnie about my condition. I hate that he has to see me like this.

"Ms. Velez, how are you feeling?" The doctor walks in with the nurse from before.

"Better I guess." I lie. I still feel like crap.

"Well according to your tests, your iron levels are really low. You have been taking your medicine, correct?"

I nod my head. I never leave home without it.

"By the looks of it, your iron levels has gotten lower since your last examination back in Maryland. We'll have to keep you overnight to run some more tests. To make sure that everything's alright and maybe prescribe you to a different medication."

"Do I have to stay?" I ask. This has never happened before. I haven't stayed in a hospital ever since I was on suicide watch.

"I'm afraid so. We have to run these tests to make sure it's just your anemia and not something worse."

I'm afraid of something worse.

"Make yourself comfortable. We'll bring you a dinner in a few minutes." The doctor and nurse walk away.

"Sorry kid." Dalton says. He knows I hate hospitals. "You want me to get you anything?" He asks.

"Can I see Johnnie, please?"

He smiles. "Sure. In the meantime I'll let mom know what's up." He gets up and walks to the waiting room.

Guess I have no choice, but to tell Johnnie. Within seconds, Johnnie appears and sits down on the chair next to my bed.

"Hey." I finally say.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Not too good." I confess. "I have to stay the night for some tests."

He doesn't look too happy. "Skye, what happened? Why did you suddenly pass out?"

I look away from him. I hate seeing him upset.

"Your mom says you're sick. Is it serious?"

"It's...I'm anemic. Have been for a while." I confess.

He's silent for a moment. "How long?"

"They diagnosed me when I was in grade 8...around the time I started self harming. I passed out once, lost a lot of blood, and turns out I barely had any. Anemia. I take medication for it, but I don't think it's working anymore. I don't know."

He looks up to me, this time with a serious look. "I meant how long were you going to keep this a secret? Skye, this is serious! Why didn't you tell me?!" He's mad.

"Are you seriously getting mad at me now?!"

"Don't you get it? What if you passed out when we were alone? I wouldn't know what was wrong with you or how to help you cause you didn't tell me about this! You had me fucking worried Skye! I was freaking out!"

Way to make me feel bad at a time like this. Then again, I do feel bad for not telling him.

"I thought you trusted me Skye. I thought you could trust me with anything. Why couldn't you trust me with this? Don't you see that I care about you! If anything happened to you...I-I don't know what I'll do."

Wow. He really does care. I'm such an idiot.

"I do trust you Johnnie." I don't know what else to say. I messed up. "I'm sorry."

"By the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you do." He gets up. "I can't help you Skye if you keep hiding things from me." He heads for the door.

"Wait...are you seriously leaving?" I'm hurt. The time I need him the most and he's bailing. "I thought you said you'll be there for me!"

He stops in his tracks and turns to look at me. "Not if you don't let me." He opens the door and walks out.

I can't help but break into tears. I really fucked up.

"I fooled everyone and now what will I become? I have to start this over, I have to start this over"


A/N If you're reading this, you're awesome <3

Ta-dah! Another chapter! Woo...sorry it's kinda short, but new chapter! YAY!

Hope you liked it ^~^

And....that is all, KBYE <3

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