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I'm sitting on the edge of her bed scrolling through Instagram and she's sitting behind me reading. I put my phone down and stretch.
She puts down her book and crawls to me and puts her arms around me I lean back so my head is on her lap she smiles.

"Hey" I say softly, smiling up at her.
She plays with my hair and smiles at me "Hey"
I reach my arm out and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and sit up to face her.
"So how come you moved out of our old apartment" I ask, she sits up
"Just needed a change. Plus Audrey needed a roommate so I moved in" she says, I feel like there's more to that "that it?" I ask
She nods slightly, "mhm"
"Riley tell me" I say
"I did" she says with slight attitude "look did you really expect me to stay in our old apartment while you were gone for a year? I couldn't stare at those wall anymore and stay surrounded by everything that we had that reminded me of you so... I got rid of a bunch of shit, bought new furniture and moved into Audrey's where we at now" she adds.
"You kept the bed" I say "so?" She says
"Just sayin" I shrug, "I also kept the side table" she points to it "Don't look like it" I look at it
"I spray painted it dumbass" she says,
"Oh" I say "But that was mine before we lived together" she says "You right" I agree, cause she is right.

I yawn and stretch out "I can't believe it's 3pm and I'm tired right now" I laugh
"Well I mean we did just have hot makeup rough sex an hour ago" she chuckles
I smile "I know"  I bite my lip, she blushes
I pull her close and she rests her arms on my shoulders. I look into her eyes
"I really did miss you Riley" I say softly
She smiles, "I know" and looks at my lips and then my eyes, "I missed you too" she says softly
She leans in and kisses me, I hold her close and she runs her fingers through my hair, she stops and let's me go. "Riley" I say wanting her more,
"Shh" she says putting her finger on my lips, she winks and puts her finger down, I pout and she smiles "hey" I say "hm?"
I hold her hands and kiss her, the door opens and we stop.

"Oh! My bad!" It's Audrey.
Me and Riley sit up and face her, Audrey smiles
"See! I knew you two would make up" she points at us, "Well, sorta" Riley says, I look at her "oh?" Audrey says looking at me confused
"Well we.... made up" I say say using air quotes
She gets it "Okay then" Riley looks at me and smirks. I smile.
"Well you two continue whatever it is you guys are doing, I just got home" she says
"Okay" Riley nods, Audrey winks at her walks out the room
"Oh, by the way. It's nice seeing you two together again" she says before shutting the door.
"We're not" Riley shouts.

I look at her, she looks at me "Well we're not"
"I know" I say standing up. She nods.
"I mean it don't mean imma give up trying though" I say running my hands through my hair.
"Yeah" she rolls her eyes.
"What?" I say dropping my arms to my sides and she stands up.
"Well you always said that" she says and shrugs
I sigh, "Riley cmon!" I groan frustrated
"you not even giving me a chance! You just straight up assume the worst and doubt me! You know people gonna see us around and we already fucked.. you know people are gonna talk bout us and ask what we are. What you gonna say? Huh? That we just friends cause you don't wanna make up yo mind? Cause ya know that's all we've been right? Like we ain't ever been something real and special" I say and grab my jacket heading for her door.
She stands there silent. I look at her. "Can't you just... say SOMETHING" I yell saying the word something.

"Look you're the one not giving me a chance to fucking think! You just come back. Hypnotize me with you're words like you're some saint or wise man when you're NOT and then you decide 'hey I'm gonna fuck her and that'll win her back' you think with your dick, Cash!
Not your head. Not your heart. You just want attention! Not love! Not me! And it's all the same damn thing! It's always been the same fucking thing! Starts the same and ends the same cause you always have to leave! And why? Because you're weak!" She snaps. I look at her shocked. "Really? You think I don't love you? That I just want your attention?" I raise my voice.

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