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"It's showtime" I hear Rook yell outside my dressing room. I don't know how I'm going to do this without Riley. I take one last look in the mirror and shake my head clearing my mind.
"You can do this" I tell myself. I take one more swig of whiskey and walk out my room. I follow Rook and the guards that lead me on stage.
Rook sits at his drums, everyone's in their positions, the lights are dark and people scream my name, I scan the crowd and this is a huge venue. Everyone is here for me.
The beat starts, the spotlights shine in my eyes and the crowd goes wild. I pick up the mic and I'm unstoppable. I sing every song that hits home and how I'm feeling. From upbeat to soft. The crowd sings along and cameras are out, Girls throw their panties and bras on stage at me but I ignore them. The only undergarments I want to see on this floor are Riley's, then again if she were here she would be on stage with me and have her own little show. Funny how even on stage she crosses my mind but I keep singing and rapping my heart out.

After the show I say goodbye and hop off stage and Gerald gets on and gives me a dirty look before heading up. I keep my head down and walk to my dressing room. I close the door behind me and I change into normal clothes and call Riley but it goes straight to voicemail. I leave a message.
"Hey it's Cash..Listen I just hope you're okay. I'm sorry Riley, I am so so sorry. I just got off stage.. I wish you were here. I love you so much.. please call me back.. I love you baby"
I put my phone down and smoke a joint hoping she'll call back but she doesn't. Time passes and my whiskey bottle is empty. I should feel drunk but I feel nothing. Just regret and pure stupidity. I go to call Riley again but there's a knock on the door that stops me.

"Yo Cash we're going to the after party, you comin?" Slim says from outside.
"Yeah gimmie a minute" I say loud so he can hear me. I get my belongings together and leave the dressing room with Slim and Rook.
We get outside and there's a limousine waiting for us. The chauffeur opens the door and we hop inside. Damn this is fucking sweet.
"This is sick" I say and look around.
There's a open roof, led lights hanging up, bottles of booze and champagne in a ice bucket. Even weed and some pills, along with a bong to smoke out of and lighters. Dope!
When no ones looking I take the pills and put them in my pocket. I grab the bottle of champagne and pop it open and we fill up our glasses cheering to the night. They cheer to a successful show, I cheer to drowning my sorrows in booze and drugs. That's my plan.
We smoke some weed and drink champagne and before we know it we're at this huge club.
I step out the car and I can feel the music vibrations from under my feet. We walk in and a banner of me is hanging up. Led lights hanging up. Chandeliers, I've even spotted an ice sculpture. This place is crazy. Girls are everywhere but I don't even wanna fuck with them we keep walking and go to this V.I.P area where there's a table and chairs and a couch and a curtain that can be pulled. An ice bucket and booze sits in the middle of the table along with a note that says:


I sit on the couch and Rook beside me, Slim takes the chair by the couch Gerald takes the other one, everyone else has scattered to the bar or the dance floor. Rook and Gerald must be friends because they're immediately chatting it up and laughing. I get poured a glass of champagne and drink it scanning the crowd. My phone buzzes and it's finally Riley. I push my way through the crowd and out side.
It's fucking cold.

"Riley!" I say excited
"Hey.." she sounds distant
"Riley I'm so glad you called. How are you?" I ask dying to know and hear her voice.
"I'm fine. How was your show?" she asks
"It was okay." I lie
"So I heard Gerald came after you.." she sighs
"Yeah.. but I'm fine and nothing happened" I say, why would she bring him up?
"Well ya shouldn't of cheated" she says
"Riley I'm sorry" I plead
"I don't care" she mumbles
"I'm sorry" I say again feeling dumb
"Stop" she says
"I should go" I say giving up
"Bye" she hangs up.
I sigh and walk back in the club and take a seat at the bar. I order 3 shots of vodka and drink em then had back to my table.

A few dancers are at our table dancing and hitting on the guys. I continue getting drunk.
Finally I'm drunk to where I don't give a fuck, One the girls offers me a line of coke and we pull the curtains back so no one can see us and we all do a line. She starts dancing and shaking her ass on me, I take another swig out the bottle of champagne in front of me and she lets me touch her body. I don't know where Gerald is but he disappeared. She starts talking dirty in my ear and it starts turning me on.
"Let's take this private" she nips my ear and take any hand, I follow her to a room no ones in and she gets on her knees, She undoes my pants and takes me into her mouth sucking my dick. I tell her to get up and start fucking her crazy, she likes it though and throws it back fucking me back. Time passes and a few lines of coke later and I've fucked her 3 times. When done I realize time has passed and my table is pretty much empty.

It's late, like 3am late. I call an uber and go back to my hotel. I stumble into my room and close the door behind me. This place is incredibly depressing, empty and dark. I walk into the bedroom and collapse on my bed ready to pass out. I wish this was all a dream but it's not. I hate sleeping without Riley, I hate she's not here. I hate that i'm a screw up and she perfect. I hate that I'm on drugs and fucked up right now but I don't wanna feel a fucking thing. I take the pills out from my pocket, they look like Xanax bars, I take one and I close my eyes and pass out. I'll deal with the regrets tomorrow.

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