Cash P.O.V

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Last night was a huge mistake. Riley saw me and I saw her while I was with another chick.
I made a mistake and fucked the chick in the bathroom there. I didn't even take her home with me I drove her ass home. I felt bad the entire night. I left after Riley did.
She's pissed at me and I don't blame her.

I hop out of my bed and stretch.
I walk into my bathroom and take a shower washing my body and hair.
I just want Riley. Only Riley. I love her.
I can't even imagine how she feels right now. Well probably extremely hungover but yeah. But that woman can dance. Her and Audrey tore up the dance floor at the club.
Riley actually sings and can dance and she so good at it.

The way she moves her hips and moves to the beat is like a dream. She dances like no one is around and lets loose and has fun. She's talented and that's why I wanted her to go to LA with me so we can live the dream together. But it didn't happen so, I was hurt too.

I begged her to go with me, even cried to her.
I wanted her to go with me and live the dream with me so we can finally make it and have fame and have everything we ever dreamed of having. A big ass house, pool, hot tub, big screen tv, master bedroom and walk in closet for us both with a king size bed to fool around in and make more memories on, two cats, and I always wanted a fuckin mini aquarium. But that didn't happen I didn't even make it.
I'm upset about it but I'm more upset Riley wasn't there.

I wanted the beach with her, duets, be the power couple and show the world how strong and powerful our love was and be the lucky ones. Marry her.... call her mine forever.

I turn the water off and hop out the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and walk into my room and sit on my bed. I check my phone.

Riley: look I'm just.. I'm hungover as fuck and I don't wanna be bothered. I don't wanna think. I wanna just relax.

Me: okay. I gotchu🖤

Riley: 👌🏻

I take my towel off and put boxer briefs on, black jeans and a long sleeve black shirt.
I fix up my hair and tie a bandanna around my head. I put my shoes on and spray on cologne. Grab my weed and grab my keys and lock up my suite.
I get in the elevator and hop in it taking a reflection selfie and send it to Riley.

I get to the first floor and walk out the building.
I head to the garage and jump into my Mercedes and drive to a coffee shop.
I stop into Starbucks.
"Yeah I'll get two iced coffees and two breakfast sandwiches" I say ordering

I get the food and walk out and hop back into my car off to Riley's.
I turn on the radio and Witt Lowry plays, I rap along to it not skipping a song word.
I get to Riley's and park in the parking lot.
I turn off the radio and car and hop out.
I lock it behind me and walk into the apartment building.

I get into the elevator and go to her floor. I fix my hair in the mirror in the elevator.
The bell dings and walk out and to her apartment.

Knock, knock
She opens the door, her in a long sleeve shirt leggings and her hair up. She looks adorable.

"Cash what are you doing here?" She asks sounding tired.
I show her the Starbucks and weed, she lets me in.
Closing the door behind her.

"You're an asshole" she says walking to the couch. I take my shoes off by the door and grab two small plates out the kitchen and walk to her. Sitting next to her.

"Audrey's sleeping" she says.
I hand her the coffee and breakfast sandwich
She unwraps it "wow you actually remember my favorite. Bacon egg and cheese. I'm actually impressed" she says and takes a bite. I smile takes bite of mine.
"So who was the girl?" She asks taking a sip of her coffee, I sigh.

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