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Cash and I head out the suite looking lavish and like we're celebrities.
We walk to the elevator again and go down to the first floor. Both of us being vain and checking our hair and fixing minor details of our appearance. The bell dings and we straightened ourselves out he takes my hand leads me.

"Looking good Mr. and Mrs. Butler" the lady at the front desk says. We say thanks and continue walking.
"Haha they think we married" he jokes but looks at me with sad eyes. I chuckle ignoring the look. One day Cash.. I promise. One day.
We walk into the garage I head to the Mercedes but he stops me, "nah" he says and leads me to a Ferrari it also being black.
He opens my door "after you baby" he smiles.
I get it and he closes the door and gets in his side.

He starts the car and we go. Listening to the radio on the way.
The drive is pretty long.

"So where is this party at Cash?" I ask yawning
"Across the city" he says, he looks over and smiles at me, I nod
"Trust me. You're gonna like this. Everyone will be there babe" he says, everyone?
"What do you mean everyone?" I ask
"Very important people. I have friends" he smiles I nod. Important people?
"Who?" I ask shy
"The label" he responds, "they throw huge parties and we're going" he adds.
I get a bad feeling.
I shift in my seat and get comfortable since clearly this is gonna be a long ride.

We drive through a rich suburban area and pull into a huge mansions driveway.
Cars everywhere.
We find a spot and and park, he takes my hand and we walk in the house together.
I look around in awe, "Cash!" I say amazed he smiles "I know" he kisses me softly and we keep walking. We get to the bar.
He hands me a drink and we start walking towards the crowd of people.

"Aye! Cash!" Someone yells, Cash turn around and lets go of my hand, "Hey!" He says and hand shakes someone, "Ri, come here!" Cash says excited I walk to him and he takes my hand "Riley this is my best friend from LA Ricky" he says "Ricky this is Riley the girl I told you about" he says, "Ah, so you the girl pretty boy here was gushing and talking about all the time" Ricky says I laugh and look at Cash, him laughing too "man shut the fuck up" Cash says blushing, "Nah, but for real though he talked about you a lot. And I can see why you are a beautiful woman and he seems happy next you as I can tell" he says, I smile hoping I'm not blushing.

I look at Cash him talking to Ricky and everything kinda tunes out.
Wow maybe I do love him and maybe he really does love me.
"He talked about you a lot" hmm.. I wonder what he said.

"Okay you guys have fun" Ricky says walking away, I sip my drink.
Cash puts his arm around me and leads me to the patio. It's over a pool that's below us on the ground. The pool light reflecting on us.
"That was sweet" I say smiling at him.
He stands next to me and wraps his arm around me. He kisses my cheek. I smile, my heart feels like it's melting.

"I told you, I missed you" he says "You're my everything Riley. I love you so damn much and I just want you to be mine. I wanna be yours again. You don't even know how precious you are to me and how much I truly need you" he adds, I feel myself tearing up falling in love with his words.

"Cash, but what if you change your mind again? What if you leave me again? Or make promises you can't keep?" I say softly trying not to tear up.

He looks at me serious, "Riley, I'm not gonna hurt you again, LA changed me and made me realize how much being alone and without you- being far from you was... just... it was torture. And I came back because I had everything but all I really wanted and needed was you. I was selfish and I can't be alone without you again. I'm me with you. I love you Riley" he says, a look of fear sorta in his eyes like he scared of what I'll say, hoping I don't get mad or get scared of him. I smile slight letting him know it's okay, he loosens up.

"Promise me, promise me you'll be real with me. Not gaslight me or lie or leave me" I say looking at him with a look of please be fragile with me, he hold my hands and looks at me.
"I'm not going anywhere Riley. I promise I'm here and I'm gonna do whatever it takes. I love you so so much" he says, tucking hair behind my ear.

I look at him and slowly leaning in to kiss him, he kisses me and I kiss him back and I pull away slightly still feeling his warmth on my lips "I love you Cash" I say, he holds me close to him and kisses me different than usual. With more feeling and passion. I moan softly. He stops and lets me go. Smirking at me and whispers in my ear "Just stop playing hard to get" he says and bites his lip, my heart skips a little and I just wanna bite his lip too. I love when he gives me that look.
"I'm all yours" I finally surrender, giving myself to him once again. He smiles and hugs me tight. I hug him and kiss his cheek and neck.
He kisses me quick and we head back inside.

"Riley?" I hear a familiar voice "Audrey?" She stumbles to me. And clearly she's drunk.
Me and Cash watch her walk to us,
"Heyyy" she says "you're drunk" i laugh
"A little" she slurs, I giggle "But I'm having sooo much fun" she slurs and talks with her hands.

"Audrey who are you with?" I ask
"Just some friends.. Sean" she says and winks
"Did you guys?" I ask curious "No but I'm gonna try tonight" she says, she looks at Cash and points at him "You Cash Butler take care of my best friend!!! Fuck her good and love her good and be nice god damnit! She loooooooooves you" she slurs but yells at him.
He nods and holds my hand a little tighter and smiles at me, "I ain't gonna do nothin Audrey. Riley is my everything" he says, I lean my head on his shoulder. Audrey nods "Awhhh, I love you guys! Now I'm gonna go get some dick" she says and walks away.

Me and Cash walk towards more people.

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