Riley P.O.V

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The past few days feel like such a dream come true, Cash and I have been to so many places and seen so many things. I'm so happy.
"Hey baby" Cash says walking into the room
"What's up?"
"So do you feel about Hawaii?" He asks, my eyes dart up to him
"Like...for real? Like you and me?" I ask confused. Is he serious?
"Yes for real. I think we should go and see some new things. Ya know travel for a bit"
"Okay yeah that's sounds like fun but Cash, eventually we have to go home and I need to get back to working on my EP" I say
"Yeah I know, look we'll be there for a few days. I promise everything will be okay and worth it. A week tops." He smiles, I think.
"C'mon baby, please. Let's do this." He begs
I sigh "I guess." I smile at him
"I'm so glad you said yes. I'll book our flight for tonight" he kisses me on the forehead and makes a call.

While he's on the phone k get an alert on my phone:

"This just in famous Rap singer Cash Butler seen with mysterious woman in Cleveland last week..."

I see the images and immediately get furious, I throw my phone on the best and think do what to do. Either I leave and don't say a thing or I stay and see how this plays out. What to do, what to do, what to do. "FUCK!" I yell I grab a blunt and smoke, okay okay Riley think, fucking think. I hear him coming back from a rehearsal and try to remain calm.. except my mind thinks differently. I get up and immediately show him the article before he can say one word his jaw just drops and he sits down with his hands in his face.

"What the fuck" I say, he just stays silent.
"You gonna say something or just sit there like an idiot?" I fold my arms acrossed my chest. Nothing.
"Come on! Nothing? Not even gonna try to explain!? Cash!" I yell
He's still a silent.
"I'm leaving" I walk away and start packing my bags which doesn't take too long. I walk back in the main room and he's still sitting there frozen.

"You know....I really thought you'd change and that Hollywood wouldn't change you for the worst, but it did. I'm done, I can't stand the cheating and the lies. I'm done." I walk out the hotel room and into the elevator.

I cannot believe this, not even an explanation or nothing. Just silence. A pure pure coward. I'm done.
The bell rings and I make my way out the hotel, I call myself a cab and get in.

"Where to miss?"
"Got it."

I'm going home.

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