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I wake up at 4am and see Riley laying next to me and realize I'm in her room. I look at her and remember how sweet her lips tasted, how her kiss felt so addicting and the rush she sent me by doing the bare minimum. I've never had a rush quite like that with any the girls that hang around me. With her I felt electricity and I didn't want to stop. Then I remember how she wanted to have sex with me last night and how I immediately freaked out and turned her down. I caress her cheek and then quietly get up. I look over and she rolls to the opposite side facing the wall. I get my shoes on and toss on my hoodie and sneak out her room.

I tip toe quietly down the hall which feels like forever but I manage my way down the stairs and out the door, closing it behind me. I run to my car and hop in, starting it up. I drive down the street and stop at the stop sign.
I hope Riley won't remember what happened last night. The drive to my house is a breeze with little traffic since it's way early in the morning. I get inside and go up to my room collapsing on my bed, before I shut my eyes I send Riley a text.

Me: sorry i left, hope u won't be mad. i'll see you at school

I plug in my phone and close me eyes drifting off to sleep again. I wake up again at 7 and get ready for school. Still unable to shake last night out of my head but I do my best to ignore the thoughts and feelings about it. It's too complicated to even think of. My buzzed and it's Riley.

Ri: it's okay, i'll see u later

Me: good

I toss my book bag over my shoulder and go downstairs where my dad greets me.
"Mornin" he says I nod
"Hey" I say and grab a granola bar from the cabinet.
"Where did you sneak off to last night" he chuckles and I smile shaking my head.
"Rileys" I say and sip some coffee. He looks at me surprised.
"I didn't know you two were dating now" He says in shock, I tilt my head to the side and smirk.

"We're not, we just got into an argument and I wanted to talk so we did" I shrug
"I heard you come home at 4" he eyes me
"I crashed at Slims" I lie, he knows i'm lying but shrugs. I looks away from him
"Be careful Cash, she's a good girl" he sips his coffee. I nod. I know I gotta be careful which is why I won't let myself get close to her like that again.
"I know dad" I say he nods
"Have a good day son" he says
I wave and head out  the door, I hop into my car and drive to school. I find a space in the lot and park my car.

I walk into the building and instantly Amber runs up to me, fucking great.
"Hey baby" she kisses me, Her kisses are more hard, rough and sexual. Because half the time when I fuck her we go rough and hard, she likes nasty things like me. I kiss her back but I don't feel the electricity I did when I kissed Riley and her lips aren't sweet or addicting as Riley's.
"You okay?" she lets me go and I nod
"Yeah just tired" I smirk, she's wearing tight jeans that make her ass look huge, a cropped top and heeled boots. I bite my lip and check her out. At the corner of my eye I see Riley walk in, but she doesn't see me through the crowd.

"I gotta get to class, I'll catch you later" I wink she smiles and kisses me once more, wow still nothing. I feel nothing, but she is a good hook up. I let her go and smack her ass before walking away, I run up to Riley who is at her locker getting her books for class.
"Hey" I instantly feel myself smiling
"Hey" she doesn't look at me and closes her locker shut locking it. I frown slightly.
"How's you're morning?" I ask her softly
"Fine, I gotta get to to class. Erm.. I'll see you later" she says and backs away from me disappearing into the crowd of students.
I stand there speechless a few moments.
She just totally blew me off and ignored me.
I collect myself and go to class and sit next to Dub and Slim.

"Aye" I say to both of them and sit in the middle of em. They give me the sup nod.
"So.. I almost slept with Riley" I say quietly.
They both look at me shocked.
"We got into an argument the night before and yesterday she saw me with Amber after I said I was done with her hoe ass, so.. I felt bad and went to Riley's to talk. Which we did and then we started kissing and making out. And listen when I say this, I ain't ever got so turned on like that. All she did was grind on me and kiss me. She did the bare minimum and I got hard as fuck like a fuckin 5th grader who just figured out what his dick is for" I say and scratch the back of my neck. They both look  at me speechless. Which is the reaction I was kinda expecting to be honest.

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